Guys… this is pretty exciting! Several months ago, we all found out that there was going to be a MAC x Star Trek collection, but details were (and still are) a bit scarce. The whole collection was premiered at San Diego Comic Con, but it doesn’t launch online till August 25th and in stores on September 1st.

The timing of this collection coincides not only with the movie that was just released, but also with Star Trek‘s 50th anniversary (which is the “50” you see emblazoned on the insignia). My husband and I have also been watching/rewatching all of the movies over from the beginning over the last year, so my interest in this collection is piqued even more than normal for a MAC collection!

All items in the collection feature the usual matte black MAC packaging, but they’re also layered with the silver insignia.

Even the interior design of the packaging matches!

On to the products! I’ve got a pressed pigment in Bird of Prey. At first glance, I thought this was a black with gold sparkle (the lighting in my office is bad, okay?) – but it is not! It’s a very, VERY deep green with a black base and some gold sparkle.

I’ve only used a few other pressed pigments by MAC before and they were ALL a disaster. We’re talking Fallout City, crumbling everywhere, etc. I can thankfully report that this pressed pigment behaved like none of the others. It felt smooth when I stuck my brush in it and applied to the lid nicely as well. Pigmentation is good, but you will need to apply a few layers to get full opacity.

The item that intrigued me the most was the lipstick in LLAP (Live Long and Prosper).

LLAP is a frost which is a finish I haven’t worn in years (I’m thinking back to the 90s and wearing MAC‘s Gel…).

As I was photographing this product, it finally clicked for me what this shade was. LLAP is a true rose gold FOR YOUR LIPS.

Swatching it confirmed the rose gold hues and I was so, so curious to see how it would look on my lips.

There are full shots of my face later in the post, but I was astonished with how oddly flattering I found this shade. I never thought I needed or wanted to wear a rose gold hue on my lips and certainly not in a frost finish lipstick… but you know what? I’m sold. I love this. I cannot wait to show LLAP some love and wear that bullet down!

That beautiful pair of lashes you see right there are called Wink of an Eye. I can’t seem to find these lashes on MAC‘s site, so they don’t seem to be a permanent product repackaged. These lashes have a thick band and are swept sideways which gives a bit of a cartoon-like slow lash wink to the outer corners of your eyes. I especially love how there are bright blue lashes in the mix with the usual black. It adds for quite a bit of intrigue when I looked back on my photos.
Sadly, I found the last band too thick and firm. It was causing the lashes to want to straighten out no matter how much (or how little) glue I used. I did wrap them around my makeup brush for a few minutes before applying them, but I would suggest that if you want to wear these for a long period of time, wrap them around your makeup brush handle, clamp it in place and let it stay that way overnight to put some solid curve into that stiff band.

MAC‘s usual Super Slick Liquid Eye Liner in On The Hunt has been repackaged for this collection.

I was unfamiliar with this formula, but I’m telling you now… this thing can last through anything. MAC‘s site says it’s a water-based, water-resistant liquid liner that’s quick and precise to apply. Yes to all of the above, but I have to say, this thing is MORE than water-resistant. I had one heck of an impressive time getting this off my eyes when I was done my look. Even rubbing the swatch off my arm proved its impressive longevity. Need something bulletproof for your eyes? Give this one a shot!

On The Hunt does have a bit of a sheen, so if you’re looking for something purely matte, this isn’t the one you’d want to pick up.
MAC Star Trek Look

This makeup look will be coming to my YouTube channel tomorrow – here it is! but for now, I hope the pictures will suffice! For those curious, I have Bird of Prey all over my lid, I created the wing with On The Hunt, I’m wearing the Wink of an Eye false lashes, and the LLAP lipstick is on my lips.

I also have an additional post on the Trip the Light Fantastic Powder in Strange New Worlds that’s just been posted!
So how about you? Are you excited for this MAC Star Trek collection? Let me know!
The products featured in this post were sent to me by PR for review.
The lashes are so cool! The green pigment is kind of a Borg green eh Haha
I wonder if using a hairdryer while you’ve got the lashes wrapped around a brush handle would also help keep them curved?
MizzJ recently posted…OGX O2 Weightless Oil + Lifting Tonic Review | 1 spray to shiny soft tresses!
It’s like Borg green, but I think they’re more associating it with the Romulan and Klingon ship which was a similar colour!
I’m going to definitely try that hair dryer trick on the lashes because they are STICK STRAIGHT. I love the effect they give, but not with them pinging off the edges of my eyes!
Omg I love that lipstick on you??? Frost generally scares me away but you’re rocking that
The lipstick was soooo unexpected. Seriously… rose gold for the lips? But there’s something about it that just works!
Oh my god I love it all. The Borg-y pigment, the frosty lipstick, those AMAZING lashes. It’s all so prettyyyyyy.
Jodi recently posted…Amore Pacific Moisture Bound Intensive Serum Masque
The lashes are unreal. I looove the blue pop that comes through. So freaking cool!
Girl you are on fire! You look so amazing. This whole collection really seems to work together. Those lashes look really nice and not nearly as scary as I expected.
The lashes are really, really pretty. I just have to find a way to make the band bend a bit more since it kept pinging off the sides of my eye.
I was pretty impressed with the items I got from the collection – they really worked well together!
Danielle recently posted…Summer in the City: Nair Wax Ready-Strips Review
Interested in anything in particular???
Ah, what a stunning look (and hairdo) you created for this! Bird of Prey is gorgeous (glad to hear it’s not crumbly) and that lipstick really is surprisingly wearable!
I am way excited for this collection- I was so biased against Star Trek most of my life (I was a Star Wars girl, as if picking sides, lol), but Adam finally convinced me and we just went through the entire TNG series and are not onto the original. I’m a convert!

Jen recently posted…Schaf Radiance and Firming Serum: Review + Giveaway!
Just like you, I was always a Star Wars chick. I remember watching a lot of TNG when I was in my teens, but I don’t remember much of it (oddly). We did start watching the movies last summer, although we’ve slowed down because some of them were TERRIBLE. We’ve got one more of the old ones left I think and have watched the new ones as soon as they’ve been released in theatres because I’ve really enjoyed the cast. I’m glad our significant others both convinced us to get more into Star Trek, because I definitely wouldn’t have on my own!
I really love this look on you, I agree that lipstick is oddly flattering! I want it in eyeshadow format to match…
Zoë recently posted…DAVIDsTEA The Boardwalk Collection
I feel like if LLAP was in eyeshadow format… it’d be very similar to L’Oreal’s Amber rush!
That lipstick looks killer on you! Who knew a glittery nude would be so flattering? Seriously, I want that lipstick!
Megan Joy recently posted…Piper: One Month Update
I was expecting the lipstick to look really bad on me, but seriously… it turned out to be gorgeous! I think it’d be stunning on you too!
I am so excited! I really want to try the LLAP lipstick.
The LLAP lipstick is definitely my favourite item out of the ones I tried!
Trekkie Goddess! That lipsticks works soooo well with the look you put together. Also – that hair! Yaaas. I remember reading the details about this line, and didnt know if any of the colours spoke to me, but then I saw a product that was named “KHAAAAAN!”. Take my money, MAC. All because of the name.
Shawna recently posted…MAC Brant Brothers Eyeshadow Quad in ‘4 Pillars’ – Review and Swatches
When I first heard/saw pictures of this collection I was a little bit skeptical. Especially since the lipstick shades just seemed weird. But this particular lipstick, which is not a shade I would’ve picked up on my own, turned out to be incredibly stunning. Like daaaaamn.
And yeah, I’m still laughing over the KHAAAAAN! naming. hahahaha!