I feel like I spent most of January waiting for the days where we’d have more daylight. I’m traditionally someone who really enjoys days with very little light: I like leaving for work in the morning when it’s dark and I like coming home when the sun has already set (roughly 5ish in the winter here). However, since I have no artificial lighting source at home to take pictures for this blog, I’ve found myself longing for more sunlight in my days! It was only towards the end of the month that it became light enough outside shortly before I left for work and for a little time after I got home, so I’ve been able to start taking photos throughout the week again of my makeup.
All that to say… the lack of sunlight killed a lot of my drive to do much with my makeup throughout the bulk of the month. (Cuz if I can’t photograph it, what’s the point, right? ;)) So here’s the few favourites I had this month:

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone talk about this pencil before. MAC‘s Phone Number eyeliner is a dark grey with some sense of shimmer to it. It’s not shimmery really, but I sure wouldn’t ever call it matte either. I’m not much of a pencil eyeliner person, but I’ve taken to using this on the outer half of my lower lash line and then patting some eyeshadow on top. It helps to lock in the eyeshadow and makes the colour appear a teensy bit deeper.

MAC‘s Club is in my Use Up 2015 pile, and it’s the one I’ve most enjoyed using. Club is a red-brown with green reflect to it. I sometimes struggle to get the green to show up, but it really depends on how the light hits the product (or what colours you pair it with). I’ve been using this shade in conjunction with…

Too Faced‘s Glamour Dust Glitter Pigment in Glampire. Together, these two shades have become my “get out the door NOW” look. I used to resort to really basic, boring neutrals when I had to get out the door fast, but this is the exact same number of products and a much more impactful look. Since Glampire has the same sort of tones as Club, just with MORE GLITTER, it makes this a foolproof look.

I essentially lifted this combination/idea from one of MakeupbyTiffanyD’s videos a long time ago. Of course, hers is more subtle and mine’s more like “let me just apply this glitter everywhere”.

So yeah, two shades, seems to match everything I wear AND it’s glittery. Really hard to go wrong there!
Has your January been exciting or boring? Have you tried out new things or resorted to old favourites? Tell me!