JORD wood watches seem to be hitting the beauty world by storm. I’ve seen them on blogs and on YouTube and I couldn’t help but be intrigued by them. JORD‘s wooden watches are a totally new take on a accessory that is fast being replaced by cell phones. And perhaps that’s what makes them so interesting – the fact that a company is producing a product that looks elegant yet still has a hint of “old fashion-ness” to it in a time when cell phones are taking over timekeeping duties.

I am thankful to have been sent one to review since prior to their offer I had spent time on their web site but had never pulled the trigger on ordering one (Sharon Farrell bought one, okay? Anything she loves, I love too!). Imagine my surprise when they reached out to me to try one!

I opted for the Red Sandalwood version of the Sully watch (although it was originally called “Cherry” when I placed my request). I liked that it was one of the more vibrant colours of wood and it had that tone of red that I seem to love in my eyeshadows.

The watch is larger than anything I’ve owned before as I had never really fallen into the boyfriend watch trend that Michael Kors seems to have made famous. So this was an opportunity to try something new! I like that the faceplate is bold and easy to read. I also got used to the feeling of the larger faceplate pretty quickly – hell, it makes it easier to read the time! It’s also worth noting, this isn’t a heavy accessory at all. My husband even picked it up one day and was surprised by just how lightweight it felt.

The back of the watch is incredibly intriguing. The closure at the back of the watch is hinged so that the entire metal component is hidden almost completely by the wooden strap.

You open and close the clasp with two pressure points on either side – this releases the clasp and lets you take the watch off (or on, obviously).

But when it’s closed, the metal is mostly hidden away. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I love how it makes the entire back of the watch look completely uniform with the rest of the piece.

As I said earlier, I chose the Red Sandalwood version because I’m such a sucker for anything red-toned. I’m not usually one to style myself around my accessories, but I couldn’t help but be inspired by the shade of the dark red wood.

I ended up using L’Oreal’s Infallible eyeshadow in Golden Mahogany to blow out my eyes and paired it with Clarins’ new Lipliner Pencil in Nude Beige.

Sidnote: I didn’t think of this till after my anniversary, but the traditional theme for a fifth wedding anniversary is WOOD. Since these watches are so gorgeous, you may want to consider getting your spouse one of these if you stick with traditional gifts! They have a lovely variety of both mens and womens watches so there’s plenty of options to scour through.
Are you intrigued by these JORD Wood Watches yet? I’m really, REALLY enjoying mine!
This post features a product that was sent to me for review purposes.
LOOOVE their watches!
This one looks beautiful on you!
Chantal recently posted…Essential Care Mascara
Yeah I’m a fan! It’s not a daily “to work” watch for me, but I wear it more for weekends and whatnot. 🙂
That watch is a piece of art! It looks amazing on you 🙂
I’ve never heard of this brand before, but I’m definitely going to check it out; I miss wearing a watch rather than relying on my samrtphone for the time!
Lovely post 🙂
Elyse recently posted…Bare Organics: Deodorant & Soap Review
Hey Elyse! I must admit I’ve stuck to wearing a watch despite my cell phone! But I know people are moving more towards not bothering with watches at all.
Thanks for your sweet words. 🙂 I hope you find something on their site that intrigues you!
Girrrrrl that first pose photo though! I love how your lipstick matches the watch and while the colour is a bit out there for me personally, I think it suits you so well. I also love the clasp contraption thing ..very fancy.
Zubie recently posted…The (Perfect) Minimal Dress
That’s high praise coming from you! I felt like a total doofus. I was like “what the heck is natural posing to show off a watch?” (Answer: nothing is)
That clasp thing is hands down the neatest thing. I love the wood, obviously, but hidden clasp? Totally genius.
i love the matching makeup and this one looks great on you! eek ! so excited for mine to arrive though. very impressed you posed with it. i bet i would be super awkward.
Zoe recently posted…Lise Watier Fall 2015 EYEvolution Collection Swatches + Review
Hah I matched because not only was I inspired, but I also had the perfect products for it!
Ok, the watch is nice and all but..that eyeshadow!! *drools* And it’s nearly impossible to get! I fell down the Google rabbit hole for a good 2 hours trying to find it, then trying to find dupes, then trying to decide which 2 or 3 dupes I was going to get.. then putting my phone down and eating cookies and ice cream 😂 And they say I don’t have a life!
I’m fairly certain it was exclusive to Canada. I found it by sheer accident when I was in a Walmart near-ish my apartment. It looked dilapidated as all hell so I asked a rep if they had another in their system… turns out they had no others and she told me it was flat out been discontinued. I was flabberghasted as it’s easily one of the most stunning eyeshadows I’ve ever had the pleasure of sticking my brush into. I snatched it up immediately, but I think I got pretty lucky with it!
What dupes did you manage to find? Cuz it’s seriously stunning.
From what I’ve read on-line, it was an LE Canadian exclusive. It’s funny, because I’ve randomly found LE products at my Wal-Mart too, just mixed in with the regular items. Oh Wally World.
Just from on-line swatches and Temptalia’s handy dandy swatch gallery, the closest to my eyes were Inglot’s #452, thebalm’s Alice Copper from the Balm Jovi palette, MAC Rich Core, and Maybelline Color Tattoo in Pomegranate Punk in cream form. If you ever have time to compare any of these (or others you may have in your stash) I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I don’t have any of those unfortunately. 🙁 I have seen Rich Core swatched before though and it was gorgeous! That might be worth your while!
I have the Alice Copper one and the Maybelline one, hehe And became so enamored with the Inglot one I just had to get it too. I think I may be a tad obsessed 😂
I’d be obsessed too if I didn’t have this shade! It’s such a ridiculously stunning one. 🙂
Red sandalwood… unf, so, so pretty! I’m a watch enthusiast (I own 12!!) but don’t have any wood ones in my collection. I think they started being popular last year actually, though I’ve yet to see someone rock it in person (maybe next time I see you? 😉 ) but this looks soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo pretty! Also love how you matched your makeup with it!
MissFeelo recently posted…Primer/Setting/Finishing Sprays: Review and Comparison (MUFE, Face Atelier, Skindinavia, E.L.F)
Wow! That’s a lot of watches! I only have one other one that’s a lot smaller from Fossil. I’ll try to wear it the next time I see you so you can get a peek! Actually… IMATS? You working then?
Yes, I am! Are you going both days?
Most of mine are Fossil’s as well actually, they make some great pieces. 🙂
MissFeelo recently posted…Primer/Setting/Finishing Sprays: Review and Comparison (MUFE, Face Atelier, Skindinavia, E.L.F)
I’m planning on going the Saturday so far. May go Sunday, but not positive yet.
I love that your makeup matches the watch. This one is gorgeous. I like my maple one… but I LOVE this one! Great shots too. I think you should do more fashion-y posts.
Aww you’re sweet! I may add them in sometimes, but when you’re a jeans and t-shirt kind of woman… there’s not a whole lot to share!
I’m the same. My fashion posts would mostly revolve around cat-themed attire and sneakers.
Julie recently posted…CatLadyBox is the purrfect subscription box for cat ladies like me!
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. And I love you for it. 😀
I really love the look of these watches and the finish you chose is gorgeous! Sounds like it would make a perfect anniversary gift for you guys 🙂
Jen recently posted…Life Recently: Holding Onto Summer
Thanks Jen!
What a gorgeous watch! I love the colour and the look! I love watches, I used to sell them for years when I worked in jewellery, this one is nice!
Jenan Jeha recently posted…August Beauty Favourites
Oh that’s kind of neat! Any particular brand?
Mostly Bulova, Citizen, Fossil and Movado! Gorgeous watches but they were super pricey!
Oh man, I’ve only started to see stuff about Bulova and WOW are those ever gorgeous!