I often try to coerce my friends into running races with me. It’s just so much more fun to wait at the starting point of a race with a friend. You’re both nervous, you’re both excited and it’s definitely a bonding experience for me. And yet, I’m not usually all that successful in getting people to go to races with me!

So imagine my surprise when Zoe of Writing Whimsy not only planned to come out to Toronto for IMATS, but *also* agreed to run a 5K with me the next day. I’d suggested it as a joke – I didn’t actually think she’d take me up on it! But we managed to hype it up to each other and somehow we found ourselves signed up for the Toronto 10 Miler 5K race!

These were the absolute best race conditions I have ever experienced. The race was around 9 am and the temperature was cool but not cold. There was no wind and the skies were clear. The race started and finished at Cherry Beach in Toronto and it was just gorgeous down there. The sun was rising and reflecting beautifully off the lake. And there were only about 200 people signed up for the 5K making it a relatively small group.

It was a 5K so I don’t have a ton to say about the race since it really only lasts about thirty minutes or so. It was easily the flattest course I have ever run (I’ll definitely be back next year!). There were a few bumps in the pavement, but absolutely NO HILLS which was such a blessing.
I’m in the midst of training distances for the Scotiabank Waterfront Half Marathon so I haven’t been focusing on speed runs. And, as I’ve been lamenting THIS ENTIRE YEAR, I’m still an infuriating ten pounds heavier than I was last year, so it’s not like I was expecting to be spontaneously fast.
I did push it for this run though! My first kilometer came in under a 5 minute per k pace but, as per usual, I couldn’t keep that up and my pace slowed over the next few kilometers. I ended up completing the race with a 26:32 finish time, which will make this the third race this year where I finished between 26:29 and 26:32 which is just crazy! I felt good at the end though. I was spent, but I didn’t feel like I was going to fall over and I didn’t get that awful lightheadedness I’ve experienced with some races before. The only thing I did differently this race was carry water with me. I stopped at one water station to drink, but at the other I just ran on through and drank from my tiny bottle at random intervals.

Zoe came in a little bit after me and I was able to capture her finishing with my phone! What a champ, she wanted under 35 minutes and she easily cleared that with a 31 minute finish! I was so insanely proud of her since this was her first race. And I’m fairly confident that she’s been bitten by the racing bug because she’s already talking about doing 7 and 8k races. 😀
This is my last 5K race for the year, and I definitely came nowhere near achieving a 5K in under 25 minutes like I had planned to do at the start of the year. I’m sad I wasn’t able to get there, but I am happy that I at least stayed consistent. I had a pretty awesome 26:10 personal best time during the Achilles St. Patrick’s Day race back in March and after that I stayed solid around the 26:30 mark. It’s not an improvement, but it’s not a horrific decline either! Yay for being stagnant? Haha! 😉
Race Summary
- Finish Time: 26:32
- Pace: 5:18 per kilometer
- Overall placement: 41/208
- Gender placement (F): 18/146
- Category placement (F30-39): 7/40
Well I’m very glad you convinced me into doing this even if it was originally a joke! Like you said the conditions were just perfect and between the flat ground, sunshine and small group it was a perfect first race 🙂 If I’m lucky maybe I’ll even be back again next year! I still think you did an amazing job, I can’t imagine 26 minutes! That’s insane! Good luck on the rest of your longer ones this year too!
Zoë recently posted…eos Visibly Soft Lip Balm in Blackberry Nectar
Well I always suggest races to people and they never take me up on them! I’m sooo glad this one worked out.
So proud of the both of you, I don’t think I’d have it in me to do a 5k in the state I’m in now but I would love to some time in the future! Perhaps I can set my goal for the one coming up in March.. but we’ll see 🙂
Zubie recently posted…Beach wear in Autumn
I would love to have you out for a race! March is absolutely do-able! I’ll be signing up for that St. Patrick’s Day race as soon as the details get announced so I’ll keep you posted!
Yes please!
Zubie recently posted…Beach wear in Autumn
ALL the beauty blogging runners! 😀
That would be absolutely amazing.
That’s because Zoe is awesome!!!
I love that you two ran this together (and that it was during IMATS weekend). Please keep convincing her to come visit.
Julie recently posted…Make Up For Ever Ultra HD Invisible Cover Foundation + Stick in Shades R220, R230, Y225
I’ll have her doing half marathons in no time! 😉
You both did really good and I honestly can’t imagine myself running even 1K, I probably roll over and play dead. My ex-boss who is in his mid 50s is also an avid runner and he trains everyday after work and joins lots of marathon. I swear he’s more fit than most men in their 20s. LOL!
Good luck in your upcoming half marathon, I hope you’ll do a post about it!
Shireen L. Platt recently posted…Younger Lips Made Possible with Arbonne Intelligence Lip Treatment
I was definitely less fit in my 20s compared to now in my 30s. It took a while to build up the distance for me, but I started out barely doing a kilometer when I first got into running!
I’m nowhere near having the endurance for a full marathon, but kudos do your ex boss who did them! I find people who do them very, very inspiring. Maybe one day I’ll consider it, but right now – a half marathon is far enough of a distance for me!
And there will definitely be a post about my upcoming half! I love writing about running/my races – it’s a nice break from the glamorous side of makeup!
Congrats! I wish I had known about this! I would love to do a race next year at least, it’s been a while since I’ve felt like I have anything to train for. And working out isn’t as motivating when you’re not working toward a specific goal!
Elyse recently posted…Blogging Etiquette
Races definitely keep me going. Without a race I tend to fall off a regular running schedule and I just feel awful. Are you in Toronto? I’m always looking for people to do races with!
Wonderful! You both did super amazing!! Great job!
Melanie recently posted…My First IMATS Experience + Haul
Thanks Melanie!
You guys are awesome! xo
Jen recently posted…Look of the Day: Bumble Cola
We did good! Thank you!