Random facts: October is my favourite month and 16 is my favourite number.
However, it was by sheer accident that my very first post launched Makeup Your Mind on October 16, 2013. (It was an uninteresting introduction post, but you can see my first set of makeup looks I posted right here.) Looking back it’s a bit cringe-inducing as the photos definitely leave a lot to be desired, but like with any project – no one starts out an expert!

I started the blog during the worst year of my life (personal shit!). I had almost no IRL friends (that’s what playing five years of World of Warcraft will get you) and I needed to find some way to connect with people in the real world. The best way I knew how to do that was via the internet as the bulk of my friends and significant others I’ve had over the years have actually been from finding like-minded people on various internet forums! Having created fan sites in my mid-teens and a personal blog in my early 20s, I decided a makeup blog would be the thing I would most be interested in talking about now (although I did worry I’d run out of content!).

The first year was kind of like talking into the abyss, but it worked for me. I got to yammer on about makeup, share what I was wearing on my face and I posted about three times a week. I didn’t get a lot of recognition as I was totally unfamiliar with using social media to point people in my direction (hell, I didn’t have a Twitter account prior to creating the blog and my Instagram account is still less than a year old right now!). Comments and views started to snowball as soon as I connected with the women behind the Canadian Beauty Bloggers network. Not only were there people in my own country talking about the exact same things I was, but they were also in my own city! It’s now another year later and I see some of these people twice a month or more. I’ve attended IMATS with them. I’ve run races with them. I see them at PR events. I go on vacation with them. I have brunch with them. It’s made me feel connected to people again and it’s been wonderful.
So where’s this blog heading? Hell if I know, but it’s definitely not stopping any time soon!
Giveaway Time!
SO ANYWAY. The point of this post was to point out my blog hit two years old and I’d like someone to win my favourite palette of the year. I’ve reached for the Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar palette a lot since its release in December last year and I wanted someone else out there to have it.

This is my beaten up version of the palette, but you’ll be receiving a brand spanking new one. If you want to know a bit more about the Too Faced Semi-Sweet Chocolate Bar palette you can see swatches here, or a Challenge Week here.

Giveaway Rules
- This giveaway is open internationally!
- This giveaway starts on October 16, 2015 and runs for three weeks.
- Please be aware that all entries will be double checked to ensure fairness.
- Once the winner has been contacted, they will have 48 hours to provide me with their mailing address. If the winner fails to respond within that time frame, I will pick another winner. (And so on.)
- “Giveaway accounts” will not be considered for this prize.
Good luck!
Congrats girl! Its a big deal to maintain a blog and continue to be creative and innovative but you did it! Plus its so awesome to see how the quality of photos improved over the past two years! Props girl!
Jenan Jeha recently posted…Wedding Glam Makeup Look
Thanks Jenan! I thought thought I would’ve run out of content by now!
YES! I am so glad you have this awesome blog and I get to hang out with you IRL. Your looks are always so inspiring and I think my eyeshadow placement has improved because of you. YAY!!!!
Julie recently posted…BITE BEAUTY Best Bite Rewind Matte Creme Lip Crayon set for Holiday 2015
YAYYYY!!!!! /hugs
Yay! Blogiversary! That’s so exciting. I totally forgot about my 2 year blogiversary earlier this summer, but it’s still exciting to think how far things have come in that short a period of time.
Sarah M recently posted…CBBOctNails Day 6 â Gradient nail art
Thanks Sarah! You were one of my (if not THE) earliest supporter I had! <3
I had to mark mine on my Google Calendar so I'd remember to do a post about it. haha
Congrats on two years!
My fave would have to be Shadow Insurance (in champagne)
Eithne @ Tea & Nail Polish recently posted…Black Nail Polish You Can Actually Wear
Thanks Eithne!
By the way, may I ask how you pronounce your name? I’ve no idea and I see your name all the time!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I’m only new to your blog a few months ago, but we are bright color soul sisters and I love it!! I bought the original Chocolate Bar as soon as it came out ( I almost never do that) and still feel so much regret because they came out with the slimmer packaging a few months later haha. Peanut Butter in the semi-sweet is an amaazing shade!
OH MY GOD I FEEL YOU! I also have the original Chocolate Bar in the fat ass packaging and I hate reaching for it because it’s so stinking bulky! I regret not waiting and getting the slimmer one. Ugh. 🙁
And Peanut Butter is probably my favourite shade in the palette. So freaking awesome for the crease.
hahah yes!! SO MUCH REMORSE. I resent it and don’t use it, makes no sense … but like #makeuplogic
Well thank god I’m not the only one that feels that way! I have to force myself to use it. I love the shades… but goddamn that packaging. 😐
Shadow insurance eye primer!!!
I tried it and it never worked out for me! I have a sample of it though and since it’s been a few years I’ll be giving it a try again. Good luck!
Happy blogiversary! The years go by fast, don’t they?!
Great giveaway too! I love me some Too Faced. One of my fave Too Faced items is their Everything Nice palette.. It has everything in it and the pink and gold chevron makeup bag it came with is my favourite!
Kelly recently posted…Review: H&M Smoky Nudes Eyeshadow Palette
I feel like the first year was lightning fast, but the second one slowed down a bit more (maybe because I put more time into it?). Doesn’t matter though – I love it more than ever now. 🙂
Speak of the devil, I’m actually wearing the A few of my Favourite Things palette today! I love their holiday palettes so much!
I read this blog of urs..I started my youtube channel n initially i also din get the desired recognisition so I totally understand you!
Just keep going..let nothing pull u down.. 🙂
+ I dunno about any such thing u asked wich is my favrt..even this palette in ur guveaway would be my first posession! 😀
And it would be a good place to start! 🙂
Thanks Ankita. 🙂 And I’m considering starting YouTube too in the new year!
Yeahhhh congrats on two years!!! I have the original Chocolate Bar palette and it’s so wonderful! I use Salted Caramel just about every time I do an eye look – it’s the perfect crease shade! Just as I suspect Peanut Butter would be in the Semi-Sweet one.
Jodi recently posted…Guest Post on Just J
Yessss Salted Caramel is beautiful! I totally get how they’re similar, I use them both in the same way and looove how they make my eyes look!
Congratutlations! I love seeing the difference between when you first started and now, what a change! You’re right, no one starts perfect and everything is a learning experience (I need to constantly remind myself of this -perfectionist ugh). Also, you just got way cooler because you played WoW, I’ve never played but I love my RPGs.
Feelo recently posted…[REVIEW] RESIST The Breakouts, Be Gone Adult Acne!
Also, I have only tried TF’s shadow insurance which I’m not a huge fan of, however I’ve always lusted over their chocolate bar palettes!
Feelo recently posted…[REVIEW] RESIST The Breakouts, Be Gone Adult Acne!
Yeah the shadow insurance doesn’t work for me. Stupid eyelids. 😐
I’m more of a Final Fantasy player now. Well, I always was, but it’s easier to pick and play idly now compared to WoW. What games do you play?
I love the comparisons too! I thought I was the shittttt back then. Now I’m like “no… you were just actually shit”. Bahahah.
I love FF on Playstation! The Tales series has been one of my favourites for years now, I recently (as in earlier this year) started playing Fire Emblem (Awakening) and it’s easily in my top three favourite games.
I have super oily eyelids and I really haven’t come across anything that works like magic, some come close though!
Feelo recently posted…[REVIEW] RESIST The Breakouts, Be Gone Adult Acne!
Ahhh! My husband has Fire Emblem and loves it, but I never got around to playing it. (I’ve got so many games I’ve bought and never played too. ARGH!). He had nothing but good things to say about it.
Have you tried layering eye primers? When I went through a ridiculously greasy eyelid phase, if I layered Urban Decay and NARS it worked no problem for like 16+ hours. Right now I’m only mildly eyelid greasy (as if that’s a thing…) and the Milani one works just fine, but it conks out around the 14 hours mark. I’m okay with that though – I rarely wear eyeshadow THAT long.
Starting playing when you have downtown! It’s so unlike any other RPG I’ve played (in a great way)!
Oh that’s interesting, I’ve tried that with a few but I think they were too similar that it ended up a little too cakey on me. My most oily part is actually at the very ends, opposite of my tear ducts. I’m using an inexpensive Korean brand primer right now that works surprisingly well. Waterproof creams work great on me but they’re coloured so I have to be a little more strategic with them. haha
Feelo recently posted…[REVIEW] RESIST The Breakouts, Be Gone Adult Acne!
Oh the things we do for makeup!
Congratulations! Two years is huge! I’m glad you’re not planning to stop any time soon, I love your posts and you are my blogging guru. I entered the contest a ton of times, I hope I win that gorgeous palette!
Meg recently posted…Wine + Stew = Deliciousness
Good luck Meg! I’m so glad we’ve become friends recently because I adore reading about all your wine experiences! <3
Happy Blogiversary 🙂 I haven’t actually tried two faced make up , but my daughter would love to try she’s always watching tutorials on youtube
Good luck Bernice! YouTube is where I discovered Too Faced as well. 🙂
Congratulations on your 2 years!!!! 🙂
Trysh recently posted…SUBSCRIPTION: Ipsy Glambag October 2015
Thank you Trysh! <3 <3 You're always so supportive. 🙂
Just because I love your blog, lady! <3
Trysh recently posted…SUBSCRIPTION: Ipsy Glambag October 2015
Ive never tried TooFaced but Im looking forward to!
Good luck Mari!
Congrats on your blogiversary! Love your posts 🙂
Thanks Jenny! Good luck!
Congratulations!! You have such an amazing blog and you are so freaking talented. I can’t wait to see what you do in the next two years!
Awww such sweet comments. Thanks Courtney!
Congratulations on the 2 year blog anniversary, Chelle!
I’ve been wanting to create a makeup blog for the longest time, and your dedication to your blog is amazing! Maybe it’ll motivate me to finally start one and join the bandwagon! 🙂
As for my favourite Too Faced products, I love their smaller tin packaged palettes, and just like you, I’m obsessed with their Melted lipsticks! Thank you for hosting this giveaway 🙂
It took me years to create one as well. I urge you to give it a shot! The sooner you do it, the sooner you can start connecting with people and creating content. I wish I hadn’t waited as long as I did. 🙂
And thank you for always being so supportive!
Congratulations! As long as they keep producing new makeup products we can all stay in business.
Haha seriously! 😀
Congratulations on 2 years anniversary. It’s great! I wish you a lot of success. It’s very inspiring to see your progress.
I never tried too faced 🙂
Awww thanks Zebo! Good luck to you!
My fave is their PRIMED & PORELESS PRIMER! Congrats on your two years!
Thanks Anne!
congrats on two years!! so happy we connected in real life 🙂 all the best moving forward with the blog (and i always LOVE your eyeshadow looks so keep those coming!)
jenn f recently posted…Potions (Ft Estee Lauder Lip Potion in Not So Innocent)*
Hah! My eyeshadow looks were the whole reason I got started in the first place so those definitely aren’t going anywhere!
I’m so happy we connected as well! And then you flew to the other side of the country… Maybe I should take a hint? 😉 Hope everything is going well over there!
Surprisingly… I’ve NEVER owned a too faced product before! :O
Stephanie recently posted…Demeter Scents inspired by the CEO’s Scent Memories // #CBBScentMemory
ALSO – CANT BELIEVE I WASNT FOLLOWING YOU VIA BLOGLOVIN. I guess I read all your posts through Facebook 😛
Stephanie recently posted…Demeter Scents inspired by the CEO’s Scent Memories // #CBBScentMemory
You’re not the only one… Julie just started following me too. Haha. I think we forget how interconnected we all are. If we don’t see it on Bloglovin, we see it on FB, or Twitter, etc.
Whaaaaaaaaaaat. How is this possible?!?!
Congrats on two years! My favourite Too Faced product has always been their palettes . . . I have quite a few of the smaller ones but none of the Chocolate Bar palettes.
The small ones are adorable! Thank you Chelsea – good luck!
aw you played WoW too!! I miss it so much… do you still play?
Congratulations on 2 years – here’s to 20 more!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Rebekah recently posted…weekly highlights
No, I don’t play anymore. I’ve been clean for about two years now (haha), although I’ve been having some terrrrible nostalgia for it recently.
Congratulations on hitting 2 years mark and wishing you many more to come! I think most of us cringe when we look back at our earlier blog posts, I know I do too. LOL! Believe it or not, I have yet to try anything from Too Faced so fingers crossed and thank you for the opportunity!
Shireen L. Platt recently posted…Dare To Be Different With LASplash Cosmetics Lip Couture Liquid Lipsticks
Thanks Shireen! I love looking back – sure it’s very cringeworthy, but it’s good to know I’m at least progressing! Good luck to you. 🙂
That caramel colour is calling my name, what a fun giveaway! Happy 2nd bloggiversary!
Thanks Amelia – good luck!
Favorite too faced product would have to be there better than sex mascara! Crossing fingers to win!
That’s a great one! I keep using minis of it and I love it too!
Congratulations,you deserve
Thanks Cristi! Good luck. 🙂
I’m obsessed with Too Faced! Better Than Sex and Melted Velvet are two of my favorite makeup products ever.
Can never go wrong with the Melteds! Good luck Katy. 🙂
YAY for two years! Your pictures from way back when are honestly not that bad at all (you should’ve seen the iTouch crap pics I used to take, ahahahah), and your makeup also looks amazing then so at least you didn’t have that to improve on, haha. Fave Too Faced product would have to beeeeee…. the Boudoir Eyes palette, I think! Okay or maybe the Melted Lipsticks cause those are amazing too.
Chelsea recently posted…Best Of: Pixi Skintreats Skincare
Ahhhahaha show me your iTouch photos! The Melted lipsticks really can’t be beat in my opinion. 🙂
Congrats on the milestone!! It’s a nice feeling to look back at old posts and see how much you’ve improved 🙂
Jen recently posted…Life Recently: It’s Official… I’m a Doctor!
Thanks Jen! It feels great to look back!
CONGRATULATIONS Chelle!! Your blog is one of favorite places on the net – when I read your posts, it’s like talking to a friend and your makeup looks are always inspiring! Here’s to many, many more years!
Awww Inday! <3 I'm so glad you like my blog so much!
Yay, blog birthdays! 🙂 Thanks for the amazing giveaway, I’d love to win this palette! I’ve been lusting after it since it came out, so I’d be so happy to win! My favourite too faced product is probably the milk chocolate soliel bronzer!
Kristy recently posted…Sephora Favourites Give Me More Lip set || Unboxing & Swatches
Hey Kristy! I love that bronzer as well – and I’m impressed they have so much variety in other shades as well!
i have been umming and ahhing over this palette, undecided as to whether i should buy it. i have never tried any too faced eyshadows and everyone seems to rave on about them
These Chocolate Bar palettes by Too Faced are definitely the cream of the crop when it comes to their eyeshadows. Good luck!
Thanks DC! 🙂
Congrats on your anniversary!
I have not tried the Too Faced eyeshadows but would love to. Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!
Thanks Jolie! Good luck!
My favorite Too Faced product is their eyeshadow primer. It’s the best primer I’ve come across!
Sadly, I’ve not had great luck with their primer. 🙁 But good luck Julie!
I love their Sun Bunny Natural Bronzer!
I’m a fan of it too! Good luck Deena. 🙂
Congrats on your blog being 2 years! Too faced have so many great products, but I love their eye shadow!
They do have a great array of stuff! Good luck Jeannie. 🙂
I like the too faced poreless powder compact.
I’ll have to look into that one! I’ve heard great things but I’ve never picked it up for myself. Good luck Carla. 🙂
Hey you I love reading your blogs and especially enjoy your eye looks- you do an amazing you at blending – what is or are your favourite brush(es) for blending? And more importantly congratulations!
Denise! Thank you! For blending, I tend to use my MAC 217 and some of the fluffier Real Techniques eye brushes (I don’t know the names of them).
I remember when you were still trying to come up with a name. You’ve come so far!
The name was the worst part! And now I realize it’s not even especially unique. 🙂 Ah well, definitely not changing it now! <3
Thank you for the chance, looks like a fun palette 🙂
Well I certainly think it’s a great palette to play with! Good luck Lisa. 🙂
Congratulations! So much can change in a couple years!
I love the blogging community and can definitely see it as a great way to meet some real-life friends!
Can’t wait to see how much changes in the next two years 🙂
Lindsey Elyse recently posted…A Weekend in Niagara
Hi Lindsey! A lot can definitely change in two years! The blogging community has been such a wonderful resource to me on so many levels – I’m eternally grateful!
I like the Too Faced Candlelight Glow Highlighting Powder Duo. Congrats on your 2 year anniversary.
Thanks Suzanne! Good luck. 🙂
I have never tried anything from Too Faced but I want to! Congrats on your blog-iversary!
Megan Joy recently posted…Top 3 Nail Polish Shades for Fall
Ahhh another person who hasn’t tried Too Faced! You guys are coming out of the woodwork! 😉
BTW, hope your luggage is restored to you shortly. How freaking horrible. 😐
Congrats on 2 years! You can see a big inprovement on the quality of the pictures. I have started using Too Faced Glitter Glue and that stuff is amazing, no more fall out!
Hi Sandie! That Too Faced Glitter Glue is fantastic! I’m close to finishing my tube and I’ll definitely be picking up another one!
I can totally empathize on the WoW front. You must feel amazing to come out of that phase and now have a successful blog! Congrats!
While I loved WoW and raiding (and being a raid leader for a while), it was also seriously detrimental to having a social life and even on a physical level. I lost 50 pounds when I quit! I still can’t quite believe it.
Thanks for your well wishes and good luck Marcy. 🙂
Congrats on the success of your blog, time really does fly by quickly. I love the Too Faced Milk Chocolate Soleil bronzer…one of my favourite products by them.
Thanks Christina! I love how the Chocolate Soleil bronzers threw Too Faced into a tailspin on chocolate scented makeup products! 😀
I love Too Faced Cosmetics! This palette looks amazing, I’d love to try out these shades!
One of my favorite products is Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara!
Such a great mascara! Good luck Cara!
Firstly, major congrats!! Two years only? That’s insane! Your blog is awesome and is doing so well! I’ve been blogging for longer but I’m still a super small blogger! I love your make up looks, you’re so inspiring. Unfortunately I’ve never tried anything from Too Face before! I want to try their new heart blushes and their creme lipstick in a nude shade but I sure love my nudes and pops of color and would love this palette! Wishing you more years of happy blogging Chelle!
Sharlynn Ng recently posted…Rave Review: Chanel Les 4 Ombres eyeshadow in 226 Tisse Rivoli!
Oh I’m still a very tiny blogger! Thank you for your well wishes. 🙂
I’m dying over their heart blushes, I have yet to get one! (And I pretty much want all of them!)
Happy Blogversary! You must be doing something right. Keep up the good work!!
Thanks Robyn!
I’ve never tried any too faced products and I’m.hopping for this to be my first!!
Good luck Hajar!
First, I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog for colorful makeup inspiration. I recently got the KVD Mi Vida Loca Remix palette…and she’s a beauty. I’ve been loving neutrals for a few years and was looking for a bit of…spice? Not entirely sure, but I do know that your “What’s On My Face- Volume 38” is what I’m currently wearing today. Although it’s winter…and certainly not usually a time for warmer bright colors, I couldn’t help myself!
Congrats on all of the progress that you’ve made too! Whenever I find a new favorite blogger, I always dedicate the afternoon to tracing back and reading (okay, skimming and looking at pictures) all of their previous blog posts. I find it very therapeutic to go back and see how much everybody has evolved. (:
Hi Vanessa! Thank you for taking the time to comment with such nice things to say! I’m so glad to hear that I’m inspiring people. 🙂
The new KVD palette is sooo freaking gorgeous. I’ve just started playing with mine as well and I’m in love!
And who cares if it’s winter, wear those bright colours without shame! I know I will be!
That’s so sweet that you read back through older posts. I also do the same when I find a new blogger – it’s so neat to see how they progress. Plus it gives me a much better idea of who they are as a blogger.
Good luck! <3
I think the layout of the palette is just stunning…the layout of a record is a nice touch, but I was really enamored by the color wheel. And the different finishes. And the pigmentation. Okay, I’m fawning over the whole thing. (;
You should do a challenge week with it!!! That would be awesome to see.
I’m working on that palette right now for a Challenge Week actually! I’ve done 2 out of 5 looks so far. Should be posted next week. 🙂
Congrats on 2 years, Chelle! You’re my #1 eyeshadow inspiration, and maybe one day I’ll get bold enough to wear something other than brown on my eyes LOL.
Christine recently posted…My First Ever MAC Lipsticks!
Thanks Christine! You can totally carry off colours – you just gotta get yourself used to seeing bright shadow on your eyes!
Happy Anniversary! I’ve only ever used their Better Than Sex Mascara and I love it!
Thanks Brenda! Better Than Sex is an awesome mascara – I’m currently using another sample tube of it!
I love their melted metalic jelly lipstick
Ooo I’ve never tried the Melted Metallics! That’s such a gorgeous shade though. 🙂
Congratulations!! 😀 I’ve never used Too Faced products but I always wanted to try out their blushes 🙂
The heart blushes? They’re so freaking adorable!
I love my Too Face chocolate scented bronzer.
Isn’t it amazing? I can’t get over the smell!
Congratulations! I really like the Primed & Poreless Primer! Thanks for an awesome giveaway!
Good luck Angela!
Too Face chocolate Scented Bronzer! I have one and it’s amazing
I knowwww! I love the smell and the texture so much!
My favourite Too Faced product is the Better Than Sex mascara
Great mascara! Good luck Holly. 🙂
Thank you so much for the giveaway! I dream about Chocolate Bar palette! Soo pretty palette! <3
Good luck Anastasiya! I love mine and use it so much!
I never try any thing from Too faced but i would love to do .
Shaimaa recently posted…Milani Bella Eyes Gel Powder Eyeshadow Navy & Chiffon
Good luck Shaimaa!
My favorite Too Faced product is better than sex mascara!
It’s such a fantastic mascara!
Too Faced was the first kind of “high end” makeup I ever purchased in high school–it was so pretty and colourful. But it’s been a brand I’ve stayed loyal to for so many years!
Katherine || The Green Bows
Oh that’s awesome! I love hearing stories like that. Good luck Katherine!
Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara is my favorite!!! I also really love most–if not, all–of their eyeshadow palettes 😀
Loving the blue in the palette, by the way. 😛
I think the mascara has been a clear winner out of all the comments I’ve seen! I know a lot of people feel the blue is oddly placed in this palette, but I love it too!
I’ve never actually tried any Too faced makeup, but I’d like to. 🙂
Happy Anniversary to you!
Thanks Nicole! Good luck!
Happy blogoversary! Thank you for making us part of your family for this two amazing years! Unfortunately, I haven’t tried Too Faced make-up but maybe I’m the lucky winner and I will get the chance to try it.
Thanks Alwssa! That’s really sweet of you to say. 🙂 And good luck to you – I really enjoy Too Faced as a brand and hope others gets the chance to use them too.
I haven’t ever tried Two-Faced products but I’m intrigued enough to try.
Good luck Wanda!
TooFaced eyeshadow palettes are the best! Happy blogiversary!
They really are awesome. Good luck!
I love their primer
Good luck Amanda!
I don’t have a favorite product at this time. I have not worn make up for 20 years but would really like to start wearing it again and taking care of myself.
20 years! No better time than the present to start taking care of yourself. Good luck!
I have only tried one Too Faced product, the Love Flush blush! I have it in Your Love is King, and it is gorgeous! Definitely one of my favorite makeup products that I own. I was able to splurge and get it for my birthday in September, and I’ve used it every day since! 🙂
I’ve been wanting one of those blushes but haven’t splurged just yet! Glad to hear that you love it enough to use it every day. 🙂
Happy 2 year Anniversary! I know the giveaway is over, I just wanted to come by and say Congratulations! 😀 Wishing you the very best!
Maria Medeiros recently posted…#bestdayblogger200sub #GIVEAWAY
Thank you Maria! 😀