I’ve yammered on about my love for the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation before and yet that’s just about the only thing I’ve tried by the brand. Wanting to expand my knowledge of Bourjois a bit more, the lovely Natalie of Ivory Avenue was kind enough to pick up the Délice de Poudre for me while she was in England recently.

So, why did I want this? Let me count the ways!
- It looks like a slab of chocolate.
- It’s supposed to smell like chocolate. (It doesn’t though – it smells like coconut to me!)
- The cardboard packaging is freaking adorable.
- I’ve seen YouTubers using it for years.
- I freaking love bronzer.

I mean just look at it? How can you not love that bronzer? As it turns out, Délice de Poudre actually comes in a few shades! Natalie picked up the lightest shade for me which is pour les peaux claires/medianes (light/medium) and it retailed for £7.99.

The powder itself looks fairly brown with a hint of warmth. So imagine my surprise when I swatched it and got this:

That is straight up orange, and yet the powder does not look nearly that warm in the compact. I tried fussing around with the colour but no matter what I did, that’s actually how it looked on my skin in a swatch. I was a little skeptical how this was going to turn out on my face.

Alright so here we go. This is my face with foundation (Revlon ColorStay in 200 and 220 mixed together), eyes are done except for mascara and my brows are not filled in. The lighting is a bit bleak because I took this early in the morning when the sun was just starting to peek through the thick clouds.

And here I am wearing Délice de Poudre. It’s applied (heavily) to the backs of my cheekbones and jaw line and more lightly along my forehead and nose. You can definitely see that this leans very warm on me.

Although the side shot looks very heavy handed with the product, I do *really* like how it looks in a full face shot comparison. My face looks slimmed out and nowhere near as pasty pale as the foundation made me look. It adds an aliveness to my face that I wasn’t really expecting considering the overwhelming warm tones in the product.
And just so you can see a fully made up shot, I’m wearing Délice de Poudre here along with the Kat Von D Mi Vida Loca Remix palette.
Final Thoughts
Although I wasn’t expecting Délice de Poudre to be as warm-toned as it is, it still worked out really well to add some depth to my skin after I’ve applied foundation. I do feel that, on me, this is best applied with a lighter hand, so I’ll know to be a little less generous with the product next time I wear it! I’ve been wearing this bronzer on and off for about two weeks and I enjoy the overall experience of it (which sounds hilarious, but you makeup lovers will get me!). The compact is adorable, the scent makes it fun to open and swirl your brush in and the application is fairly flawless since it’s easy to blend. This product is definitely worth your money, even moreso if you can pick it up in the UK since it’s quite a bit cheaper there than in Canada!
looks gorgeous AND smells like coconut? yes please! I have a warm toned MAC bronzer tucked away because I didn’t think I’d use it during the winter but the difference this makes is undeniable… can this be bought in stores anywhere here in Canada or only online?
Rebekah recently posted…mani monday on a tuesday
I know we have it (and other Bourjois products) at Shoppers Drug Mart (is that Ontario only? I have no idea.) in the Beauty Boutique area. Fairly certain Asos would carry it.
I’m becoming really confused about warm toned bronzers in general. I thought I hated them, but this is the second one in the span of a month that I’ve been like “okay hang on, I actually look pretty good depending on how I apply it to my face”.
I don’t know what it is about the beauty boutique part of shoppers but I always feel so intimidated walking through it… weird hangup of mine that I have to get past…
It’s funny because I have the same thoughts and was thinking about how both of them looked so warm and orange in the pan and when you swatched but they look great on your face – and I already have a yellow undertone so they *should* look okay on me too right? I have a fear of looking like an oompa loompa but I’m going to give them a try on the weekend when I have daylight to see them in.
Rebekah recently posted…mani monday on a tuesday
Oh really? I wonder why you feel like that. I always think of it as a lesser Sephora since they don’t have as many brands.
I would say try giving them a shot and taking some pictures in shaded daylight. Sometimes my eyes don’t see in the mirror what the camera sees and I get a better idea of what I actually look like to other people. (Instead of like, my impressions of how I think I look.) Either way, give it a shot and let me know how it goes!
I think it’s because I’ve always gone in to shoppers to buy my makeup, but only started buying higher end stuff a couple years ago… I have the same feeling walking in to MAC – Sephora is always busy so I don’t feel like everyone is looking at me when I am in there. Silly I know…
That’s great I will do that! Thank you!!
Rebekah recently posted…mani monday on a tuesday
I feel like maybe I’m an asshole, but I tend to walk into these places figuring I know more than them. At MAC, I do feel I can’t do makeup as well as them, BUT I do feel like I have a better idea of the history of their products than the current sales reps do. Like… to them it’s a job, for us bloggers? It’s our passion so we invariably end up knowing way more!
And I generally don’t like to be bothered or helped when I’m shopping either. Like shoooo go away!
Ohh, while the swatch looks orange-y, it transferred beautifully on you! It really warms up your face beautifully!
Shireen L. Platt recently posted…Fashion Friday: When Mummy Goes Leather
Thanks Shireen! I was pretty impressed myself!
ugh coconut? definitely staying away from this now…although to be fair, i don’t need any more bronzer but the packaging is so cute! this is the second bronzer review in a row where it looked super warm but applied very nicely on you! i guess bronzers can work that way sometimes. this definitely makes you look like you got a little sun!
Zoe recently posted…Fresh Holiday Gift Guide: Fresh Skincare Affair & Fresh Sugar Lip Delight
Well I think it smells like coconut… but everyone else I’ve heard says chocolate!
These warm bronzers are totally changing my perspective on them. I used to think I’d just have oompa loompa skin with them on!
Can I eat it? 😉 The packaging really does make it look like a delicious chocolate bar. I was surprised to see how orange your swatch looks, but it doesn’t transfer like that to your face. It looks great on you!
Chantal recently posted…FabFitFun: Winter 2015 Spoilers
The packaging is ridiculously adorable. I love all these brands that come out with chocolate shaped and smelling items!