I know sunscreen isn’t the most exciting product to read about, but I’ve become quite enamoured by Sun Bum‘s range of products lately. There’s something about the faux wood packaging, the banana yellow font colouring, the monkey, and the underlying encouragement to practice good sun protection even when you’re out in the water, surfing or just lounging around that really, really speaks to me.

My personal favourite kind of sunscreen is the kind you slather on – mostly so I can see exactly where the heck I applied it! The Sun Bum sunscreen scent has to be my absolute favourite too. It has a coconut scent mixed in with the sunscreen scent which ends up being a really satisfying scent (similar to their hair care products too!).
My biggest worry with sunscreen is always that it will slide into my eyes when I’m out for a run or playing soccer on a hot day. This sunscreen is labelled as being water resistant for 80 minutes which can be really hit and miss with some brands. but I’m super happy to report that I wore this on a long run during high heat (so I was really sweating) and none of this sunscreen ran into my eyes. What a huge, HUGE relief! I have the SPF 30 option, it also comes in SPF 15, 50 and 70.

Of course, if sprays are more your thing, you can grab the Sun Bum Sunscreen spray. This is also comes in SPF 15, 30, 50 and 70. As is typical with these sprays, you get a handy locking mechanism in the cap which ensures you’re not accidentally soaking the insides of your bag with sunscreen.

One of the things I find I always forget to think about is SPF for my lips. I mean, we slather it all over our face and body, why wouldn’t we do the same for our lips? (Sidenote… has anyone ever burned their lips? I feel like that’d be truly terrible. Ack.) Sun Bum has a wide range of lip balms (Key Lime, Coconut, Banana, Mango, Pink Grapefruit and Pomegranate!) all containing SPF 30. This has to be one of the most emollient and smooth lip balms I’ve ever used too. You’ve heard of lip butters? These are SOFTER than that! They glide on the lips and stay slick and hydrating. I’ve never ever felt another lip balm lip this before!

And finally, even though you’ve slathered yourself up with sunscreen, sometimes you end up a little burnt despite it all. Sun Bum‘s Cool Down is a soothing and restoring aloe lotion intended to help heal your skin and intensify your tan. I haven’t a clue how it’ll make my tan last (nor can I test it because there just haven’t been enough consistently warm days in Toronto to get enough of a tan!) but I can vouch for the moisturizing properties and the scent! (Seriously, I’m in love with this scent… it’s just like the sunscreens!) Because of the aloe, the Cool Down lotion can be used to help ease your skin after a long day in the sun, or you can really just use it as a nice moisturizer which is what I’ve been doing.
Sun Bum Suncare
So how about you? Do you love a particular brand of sunscreen? Do you have a reason for sticking with it? If you’re looking to switch it up, I’d give Sun Bum a shot! Their range can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada.
The products featured in this post were sent to me for consideration.
Ohh Cool Down sounds lovely. I keep a little tube of aloe gel in my fridge for after sun care but this sounds way less sticky.
Jodi recently posted…Dry Shampoo Showdown: Batiste, COLAB, LUSH
Totally with you on the aloe gel – it can be a goopy mess sometimes!
I just finish my Carmex and am looking for a new lip balm with SPF to try! I have Blistex that comes with SPF30 but it’s very drying on my lips so I’ll give SunBum a try instead.
Shireen L. Platt recently posted…How Much Is My Face Worth: High-End Products
You know… I’ve still never tried Carmex out! Sun Bum’s lip balm is suuuuper emollient – let me know how you feel about it!
I swear, I literally have to nag Simon until he gives in and puts on sunscreen, but I picked up the Sun Bum spray and he actually puts it on without me even asking because it’s so easy. Came home yesterday and he was in the garden smelling like sunscreen, and it made me have joy.
Trysh recently posted…SUBSCRIPTION: Ipsy Glam Bag June 2016
Same situation with some men in my life too – they can’t be bothered with the liquid bottle stuff, but give them an aerosol spray and suddenly they’re happy to use it! Sadly, I read an article yesterday that said that the way we spray sunscreen isn’t nearly long enough to get the full effect of the SPF. Try to get him to spray it a tad longer if you can! In the meantime, it’s awesome that he’s even using it!
I actually use Sun Bum’s products too – I love the scent… and the packaging is always so cute.
Nancy recently posted…Drybar Products: What I like, and what I didn’t.
Isn’t it though? Like it’s just so stinking adorable!