This whole whacky coloured highlighter craze is hitting and I am definitely falling rapidly in love with it! For SO LONG we’ve had very general highlighter colours – your basic champagne, pink-white, gold and… that’s about it. There’s not a whole lot of variety amidst that so it’s really, REALLY nice to see something completely unique in that area of makeup.
And Anastasia Beverly Hills delivers when it comes to offbase coloured highlighters. I recently picked up both their Sweets and Moonchild Glow Kits (exclusive to, sadly) and I’m stupidly excited about these!

The Sweets Glow Kit ($40 USD) features four metallic powder highlighters for intense luminosity. What drew me in to this one were not only the shades (a purple highlighter??) but also the names. That Marshmallow one suckered me right in (any Veronica Mars fans out there?)!

At first I wasn’t sure how the darker colours were going to play out on my skin, but I was more that willing to give them a shot!

In swatches, you can see the Butterscotch shade loses a big of its deepness (fine by me), although Taffy looks pretty darn pigmented (more like a blush really). Butterscotch seems to be the only shade with glitter particles actually suspended within the formula. This is worth noting because the other three shades don’t have these glitter particles and I did find that the flecks of glitter ended up in weird spots on my face (I was sporting a glitter moustache for a while).
But really, arm swatches will only show you so much… here’s what they look like on my face. All swatches are on only foundation – I’m not wearing blush or bronzer – and I’ve applied the highlighter as if it was my blush and highlighter in one, and quite heavily at that. I really wanted you to be able to see the colour difference in each shade.

Marshmallow is a gorgeous white with gold reflect to it. The duochrome of this shade is so, so freaking gorgeous! You can see me apply it to my face in my recent video tutorial.

Sassy Grape is, aptly, a frosty grape. I was stunned with just how much I love this shade as a highlighter and I’ve been wearing it a lot lately. I tend to pair it with a purple blush (Urban Decay Bittersweet, to be specific) and I’m always in awe of just how gorgeous it looks.

Butterscrotch comes out a bit paler on my skin than I was expecting from the pan – but I’m okay with it because it still makes it wearable on my skin tone. There are flecks of glitter in it which I wasn’t expecting, so just be aware of that when you’re using this shade.

Taffy is definitely the shade I’ve worn the least because it has a lot of pigment to it. I wear this more as my blush and highlighter in one.

So after I bought the Sweets Glow Kit… I was kind of sitting there going “I need the other one too”… because you know what… when a product is that awesome, I basically want all of the shades I can get my hand on! So I bought the Moonchild ($40 USD) palette as well!

This kit has six shades instead of the usual four, and they’re slightly smaller pans.

While I appreciate the green and pink highlighter so much in this kit, I do find it veers very, very blue and silver. I wasn’t able to capture Lucky Clover very well with my camera, but rest assured it’s a very lovely green highlighter (something I never, ever thought I would say!).

Out of the two blue shades, Blue Ice is definitely my favourite. On me, it leaned slightly purple as well.

Star was really weird looking when I first put it on, and I’m struggling to think what kind of blush I would pair with it, BUT on its own, once I got used to that silver sheen, it really started to grow on me.

Sadly, Purple Horsehoe wasn’t as purple as I thought it was going to be (especially given the colour in the pan), so I don’t find it that different from Sassy Grape.

Pink Heart is STUNNING! It’s a luminous pink highlighter with a hint of a neutral-green base in the pigment (sounds weird, but if you know the MAC eyeshadow Vex, you’ll get the idea).

Lucky Clover is making my heart sing because I have an affinity for green and clovers, so I’m allll about this shade. I’m disappointed with my photography on this shade, I don’t think it comes across as it did in person, which is slightly more green, although not at all unwearable.

Blue Moon is a blue-silver shade that’s basically a cross between Blue Ice and Star. It’s okay, but again… there’s a lot of blue in this palette.
Overall Thoughts
Do I even need to say it? I love these Glow Kits so, SO much. The colour are unique and fun to use. They’re vibrant enough that the underlying coloured pigment comes through, but not so over the top that it looks like a big ole streak of eyeshadow used as a highlighter instead.
I find that Moonchild has a lot of similar shades, but the pink and green make up for that for me. I’m so happy that I’m seeing something completely new in the highlighter world – it’s a breath of fresh air, you know? And while the colours may seen a bit out there for some people, because they’re so luminous, you could get away with applying these lightly so that only a hint of colour shows. Of course, if you’re like me and you want others to appreciate your purple highlighter from afar – slather it on and let your highlight gleam!
Giveaway Time!
Now here’s the best part! Anastasia Beverly Hills accidentally sent me TWO packages of the Glow Kit in Sweets, and since they were carted back from the States the lovely Shawna, I sure as heck wasn’t going to send one back to them on my own dime! So I’m hosting a giveaway!

One winner will receive:
- Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in Sweets
Giveaway Rules
- This giveaway is open internationally!
- This giveaway starts on September 19, 2016 and runs for two weeks.
- Please be aware that all entries will be double checked to ensure fairness.
- One winner will win the Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in Sweets pictured and described above.
- The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my e-mail. If they fail to respond within that time frame, I will pick another prize winner. (And so on.)
- “Giveaway accounts” will not be considered for this prize. (If you want to know what I mean by that, please click here.)
Good luck!
Current favourite highlighter is MAC Oh Darling!
Stephanie Lau recently posted…OPI Infinite Shine Iconic Collection
Ooo people raved about that when it came out!
Taffy and Pink Hearts are my fave on you!!!
Pink Heart was really neat – I wasn’t expecting to use it much, but it’s paired well with blush!
Taffy looks so pretty on you 🙂
Thanks for the chance!
Good luck Jolie!
I am surprised at how much I like sassy grape. My favourite highlighter is this Kevyn Aucoin one:
I hear soo many people talk about the Kevyn Aucoin one but I’ve never taken the plunge on that price tag!
You’re a marshmallow Veronica Mars!
No seriously though, pink heart is amazing and marshmallow is great too. I’m still looking for a favourite highlighter. I like the colour of Girl Meets Pearl on my super fair skin, but I’d rather use a powder than a cream.
Kate recently posted…Shoppers Drug Mart Beauty Haul – 95,000 Points Redeemed
I wish Veronica Mars had lasted so much longer! Definitely time for a series rewatch!
I agree with you – cream can be nice, but a powder is just so much easier to work with!
My fave highlighter is the Benefit watt’s up!
That is also one of my absolute favourites. I love it not only on myself, but I seem to always ask other people what they’re wearing whenever they have Watt’s Up. Love!
I like Josie Maran Argan Enlightenment Illuminizer, but the Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in Sweets looks amazing! You look so pretty with this on you!
I never seems to get on with the Josie Maran one. How do you apply it? Maybe it’s my technique!
Pink Heart is incredible!!
Isn’t it?? So unique!
I LOVE how Pink Heart looks on your cheeks!
Trysh recently posted…Live Clean Vanilla Oatmeal Body Wash & Hand Soap*
I really thought it was going to look odd AF. But it really turned out quite well!
My fav right now has to be Becca Champagne Pop – i love lots, but that is my go-to!!
So I had forgotten just how BAM Champagne Pop is. I used it this morning and was like HOLY SHITTTTTTT!
I like the Physicians Formula Canada highlighters!
Is there a particular one by PF you love Melinda?
Currently loving the Mary-Lou Manizer form theBalm. Also. My new self-given nickname is “Sassy Grape”.
Shawna recently posted…Estée Lauder Double Wear Nude Cushion Stick Radiant Makeup – Review, Before & After
And I shall call you “Sassy G” for short! 😉
I’ve still never tried MaryLou Manizer. But lord knows I don’t need another highlighter…
My current favourite highlighter is Becca Opal! Can’t go wrong with a classic. But I’m lovingggg how these colourful ones look, so unique and pretty!
Dina recently posted…i on Beauty Makeup Brush Review!
Oh Becca Opal… the one that started all the Becca highlighter craze!
My current favourite highlighter is Mac Otherearthly Mineralize Skinfinish.
That Otherearthly powder turned out to be amazing, didn’t it? When I firs saw it I was like oh god what IS this shade going to be? But it’s really gorgeous!
Taffy and Sassy Grape would be amazing blush toppers. I was all about Moon Child when I first saw it, but after seeing these on you…gotta say that Sweets is where it’s at. DANG THEY’RE PRETTY
Jodi recently posted…Vichy Aqualia Thermal Mineral Water Gel & Mineralizing Thermal Water Review
I agree with you – I was originally all over Moonchild, but I’ve definitely been reaching for Sweets more. I also feel like Moonchild has WAY too many blue tones in it.
I want to try the moon child palette so badly and I’m sad it’s not at Sephora! 🙁
Ugh I know. Like what the hell! Just make it easy for us to get our hands on it!
My current favorite highlighter is Becca pressed Pearl. I really wish Sephora carried these two palettes in Canada! Shipping from the US sucks.
US shipping to Canada is atrocious. I’m lucky I had two friends bring me back the palettes, because another friend ordered it to Canada and not only paid the horrid shipping fee, but also got dinged on customs. Brutal.
I’ve heard some great things about these highlighters! Sassy grape looks so pretty!
Sassy Grape has definitely been the colour I’ve been reaching for the most!
I recently purchased Laura Gellar’s Baked Gelato Illuminator in Charming Pink so I’d say that’s my favourite right now… but, I feel like my favourite highlighter is constantly changing, haha! Oh the struggles of makeup addiction. Amazing giveaway, thank you so much for doing this!
Robyn recently posted…Top 5 Fall Lipsticks
lol I hear you. I flip flop between highlighters all the time!
I’ve been eyeing the Sweets palette for months but haven’t been convinced of its wearability. Your swatches are so helpful! Seeing the products applied to the face is completely different than just arm swatches. This looks so much more wearable than I thought it would be.
It’s more wearable than I thought it would be. I was expecting more of a stark colour change between the shades, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised with how much it blends in to look (relatively) natural. I’m so glad the face swatches helped you! I’ve never photographed highlighter this well before so I was pretty darn happy myself!
I am drawn to the Sassy Grape…it looks really lovely on you!!!
Sassy Grape is phenomenal. Good luck Liz!
I don’t have a highlighter but I really want one!!
Once you start applying them… you can never go back! 😉
I’ve been having a small (lol) love affair with Sleek Solstice lately! Fabulous swatches and review – thanks for the chance! xo
I still haven’t picked up Sleek Solstice yet! AHHHH! I see everyone using it and my eyeballs just get larger and larger… It looks so beautiful!
I love Taffy and Butterscotch because I’m really getting into warm fall tones. I’m currently still hooked on Becca highlight and Jeffree Star’s ice cold when I really want a glow.
Becca’s highlighters are just incredible. I seriously don’t think anything else is ever going to have that kind of reflective quality!
so pretty! i love how they look on your skin i’ve never really seen the shades in a good lighting. sweets is my favorite 💖
Aww yay! So glad to provide well lit shots! 😀
I love Marshmallow on you! 💜
Me too! Although the first time I used it I was like “oh god – HOLY SHIT” hahah (I had put wayyyy too much on).
Hahahaha lol
I love makeup revolution highlighter
I’ve never tried them! Good luck Chandani!
Lucky you getting those all the way up north and talk about a highlight though, dang girl!
I’ve got two awesome beauty blogger friends who carted them back from the US for me! <3
These highlighters are gorgeous! No wonder so many people rave about them. I actually just started highlighting/contouring my face, so I don’t have many options to choose from yet. At the moment I just use the NARS multiple in Copacabana or Gator Wings in the Swamp Queen palette by Tarte.
I still haven’t a clue how to contour properly personally. I’d rather just bronze up my face instead! Good luck Chey. 🙂
The swatches on your cheeks are all sooo gorgeous! I love how Sassy grape and taffy look best! I rarely wear highlighters as I love my shimmery blushes but I do have a shimmer block from laura mercier that I use now and again on top of my rose tone blushes as it’s more pinky!
Sharlynn Ng recently posted…Special: Ramadan 2016 Visiting the Geylang Serai Bazaar!
You know… I never thought of it that way – but I definitely don’t wear many (if any at all) shimmery blushes, which is probably why I gravitate towards highlighter a lot. Because you’re right – shimmery blush, plus shimmery highlighter is a lotttt!
I’ve been using eyeshadows as higlighters lately. Some work surprisingly well. These look amazing on you!
Oh they absolutely do work! And they’re a heck of a lot cheaper!!
Taffy looks amazing on you!
<3 <3
Ooh they all look so pretty on you! I don’t really have a favourite highlighter at the moment. I can tell you I have serious buyers remorse with benefits watts up. The cream sinks into my pores when I’m not wearing foundation and then slides off my face in a few hours. If I try to wear it on top of foundation, it really effs it up and makes it slide (Lauders DW). So much regret haha.
I’m *patiently* waiting for my latest Sephora order to arrive which includes the becca opal kit. I’m a bit late to the party on that one but better late than never 😂
Christine M recently posted…Mom Loves Makeup Is Celebrating It’s One Year Blogiversay With A Giveaway!!!
Oh really! I love my Benefit Watts Up! That’s a shame that it’s not working out on you. 🙁
That BECCA opal kit looks amazing! I haven’t bitten the bullet on it because I’ve got a ton of BECCA highlighters… although I still don’t have Opal!
Omg I just got around to using it today and I’m in love! So so pretty. Totally worth the $24 I spent on it.
Speaking of amazing highlighters, I finally got around to swatching Cover Fx’s Celestial today and all I have to say is thank god they didn’t have it in stock 😄 I think I’m going highlighter crazy lol
Christine M recently posted…Fruits & Passion Moisturizing Lip Patches | Review
Woohooo! Glad you love it!
Omg the Cover FX ones… I’m planning to pick one up during the Sephora VIB sale in October/November. I’m just trying to narrow down which one I want. I definitely do not NEED one, but it seems so unique that I figure I at least need to give it a shot!
They really are unique and beautiful and pigmented and..pricey..
Do I need it? No. Do I want it? Yes. Will I buy it? Probably 💸
Christine M recently posted…Fruits & Passion Moisturizing Lip Patches | Review
Hmmm current favorite highlight?? Probably colorpop Wisp at the moment lol! Thank so for the giveaway chance! ❤️
Good luck Brandy!
I wear a lot Bobbi Brown’s sunset glow this last weeks…it’s difficult not to collect highlighters I think !
Never try Anastasia makeup…perhaps somedays, I hope so !
Thanks a lot for this giveaway.
Nancy ( from France)
Bobbi Brown’s sunset glow looks gorgeous! I’ve yet to delve into the Bobbi Brown highlighters/shimmer bricks… one day! Good luck. 🙂
There’s a beautiful shimmerbricks trio palette for holidays 🙂 !!!!!
Oh god I sawwwww! I’m a bit on highlighter overload at the moment though so I’ll probably pass on it! But dang is it ever gorgeous.
I really don’t wear highlighters on a daily basis, however these are absolutely gorgeous! I think that the green one could be really fun for a ton of occassions (st. pattys for sure!)
Lindsey Elyse recently posted…The Body Shop Honey & Oat Mask | Review
Hah, you read my mind! I am really, REALLY looking forward to slathering Lucky Clover all over my face for St. Patrick’s Day! 😀
I’m trying to find a good highlighter atm. That’s why winning this giveaway would be so amazing! I love how they look on u in the photos! Gorgeous!
Good luck Julie!!
Thx chelle! Fingers are crossed! 🙂
Taffy is probably the one I’d wear the most, but these all look really fun to wear!
Yeah Taffy is probably the biggest blush/highlighter/actually realistic one out of the whole lot!
I love the essence metal glam highlight I’ve had for so long – I would say over a year! I got it before I even know how to highlight hahahaha
Is that one of their eyeshadows? I don’t even really know how I figured out highlighting… must’ve been from YouTube videos since I really doubt I would’ve figured it out on my own!
It’s actually a highlighter but it doesn’t even exist anymore, but I used it in my inner eye in university to make me seem more awake hahaha
Oh my gosh, Chelle. I’m so happy I can share my love for highlighters with you! In terms of my favourite highlighter(s), because let’s be real, it’s hard to choose just one, is probably Laura Geller Gilded Honey, and I recently bought the Makeup Revolution Vivid Shimmer Brick in Radiant from the US! It’s a total dupe for the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Bricks! Thanks once again for hosting this giveaway!
It is 100% impossible to choose just one – agreed!
Ahhhhh Laura Geller’s Gilded Honey! I still don’t own that! But I’m at the point where I can’t justify yet another dang highlighter, you know? All my friends rave about it!
Good luck!
I love Becca x Jaclyn Hill Presecco Pop. It is so gorgeous.
That one never looked that great on me, but I’m so glad to hear it works for others!
Benefit highlighter is my fave.
The Watts Up one? I looove that one!
MAJOR Veronica Mars fan here! I’m currently using The Manizer Sisters palette (has Mary, Cindy and Betty Lou in it) and I got my hands on the MAC Other Earthly highlighter (saw your blog post on it and when it hit stores, I grabbed it!)
Yay for VM fans! I definitely need to do another watch through of that series again. Loved it so, so much!
Oooo you’re reminding me to pull out Otherearthly. I keep forgetting about it!
Ive bene loving my tried and true MAC Soft and gentle
I never get tired of that one! It’s my first and definitely one of my favourites!
My current favourite highlighter is Maybelline Master strobing stick illuminating highlighter.
Oh cool! I don’t hear a lot of people talking about those – glad you love it!
I dont have one 🙂 But would love too!
Good luck Amy!
Thanks 😀
I’ve been waiting this review! They are beautiful.
My current favourite highlighter is Essence So Glow! in Bright up your life. I’m a dry skin girl and this cream to powder highlighter is my no.1 choice.
They are absolutely gorgeous. Now that I’ve been using them for a while, I wish there was a red or orange toned highlighter in the mix too! Would be nice to pair with my fall toned eyeshadow looks right now.
You are absolutely right. That would be great for fall inspired looks.
I like the cheekathon bronzer & blush palette by Benefit
Good luck Bailey!
I don’t have a favorite highlighter. I’ve not been using highlighter in my make-up routine, but after seeing your review, I’ve realized I need to. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway 🙂
It took me a while to hop on the highlighter train… it seemed like an odd step to add in you know? But now I can never go back… hah!
The one I reach for the most right now is from an LE of essence from a few years ago (bloom me up LE). I should take out all my highlighters to see what I have… ooh there’s an idea for a post! 🙂 Lots of them are LEs from essence though, but I still need to see what I have.
Chantal recently posted…TOPBOX Unilever Limited Edition Trends Box
That’s a great idea for a post or video… hmmm… I may snag that from you!
Snag away! 😀
Chantal recently posted…Morgan Taylor Nail Polish in I’m The Good Witch – Swatches and Review
I just got the Charlotte Tilbury Film Star Bronzer and Highlighter and I’ve been LAHHHVVVING it immensely.
Danielle recently posted…Zoella Beauty Blissful Mistful & Wonder Cream Review and Giveaway!
OH! I LOVE THAT ONE! It’s definitely one of my favourites, but I feel like I reserve it for the holidays or some other ridiculous thing like that. But lord it’s pretty.
My favorite highlighter is Becca Pearl liquid!
I’ve never used their liquid highlighters! Do you apply it with your fingers??
I am currently loving the Benefit Watt’s Up.
Looove that one!
I don’t have any highlighters yet but I want one! My sister came to visit me in MD a few weeks back and applied one of the shades from her Glow kit and it looked SO pretty.
Oooo yay! We’ll get you fully converted to highlighters soon enough! 😉
i don’t have one, haven’t really used a highlighter.
Are you interested in them though? Not everyone like that’s glow!
I’ve only recently started to look into highlighters. I have oily skin and in the past I always thought highlighters would just make me look oiler. Now I see that they can provide a healthy glow over my attempt at keeping a matte background. I’m still not certain exactly where to apply them on my face but I am experimenting. I would love to win this Anastasia palette!
I know a lot of people highlight a LOT of areas on their face, but for me I just keep it to the tops of my cheekbones because I tend to think that area is not especially greasy and won’t be mistaken for oil!
I’ve been super boring with my makeup lately, but these palettes are too fun not to play around with. I’m using the Maybelline Master strobing stick lately, and it’s so good. Very comparable to the Clinique chubby stick in hefty highlight.
Katherine recently posted…Wrap it up!
Ah! Two products I’ve not yet tried! I’ve heard a lot of people loving that Clinique chubby stick though!
i don’t know much about highlighters! I am entering to win this for my daughter! 😀
Awww how nice of you! Good luck Joy!
I love Champagne Pop but these are super pretty (and different!).
Janine recently posted…Sunday Lately: September 19 – 25
Can never get enough of Champagne Pop! <3
What an amazing post and giveaway wish everyone good luck !!
Good luck Katie!
I would love to try this product! I am a new mom and haven’t worn makeup in forever!
Good luck Holly!
This looks amazing! Great swatches by the way!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity too! 🙂
Thank you, and good luck!
My current favorite highlighter is The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer!!
CrystalCandy recently posted…NARS Audacious Collection (Fall 2016)
People rave about that one but I’ve never tried it!
looks great girl.
keep going .. us canadians are so gorg
Hah thanks. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway and detailed info, hope I get a chance to try them out.
Favourite highlighter of the moment…Becca Shimmer Skin Perfecter Pressed in Opal!
I always use the highlighter from my NAKED Flushed palette. It’s gorgeous !
I thought some of these colours would be a little daring to wear, but seeing them on you, I’ve fallen in love! I do have a question: do you have to fill out every entry in the RaffleCopter form? Good luck to everyone in the competition. xx
Sorry, only just seeing this now – was a crazy weekend with IMATS. The giveaway is over, but you only need to fill out the entries that you can complete. For example. if you don’t have a Twitter account, you wouldn’t be able to submit those entries.
I’ve been dreaming of the Moonlight palette. I would so love to own this. I’d want it for my eyes actually.
I think that the Sassy grape is my favorite, it looks really pretty.
My favorite highlighter is The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer. Love it!
MAC Soft & Gentle is favourite highlighter 🙂
I use a mac bronzer. I need a highlighter.
i hear so much about different products. i do love the sassy grape.
Fantastic review! Just what I was looking for! Thank you so much, was a very honest review and swatches were very useful
Glad you liked the post! I was pretty happy with the swatches too! 🙂