And here’s the second half of the palettes from the Melt Cosmetics Amor Eterno collection! Last week I swatched Vida, and this week I have Muerte.

Melt Cosmetics Muerte Swatches

The Melt Cosmetics Muerte palette is available at for $76 CAD or on for $58 USD.
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Can’t wait to see a video on this !!
I’m soooo late to respond, but did you catch the video? It’s up!
Yes I seen it !
Canoot wait to see your eye looks with this palette! So pretty!
Honestly this palette is going in my favourites for 2020!
This is such a pretty palette . But I’ve heard mixed reviews , your swatches look really nice though.
I’m in LOVE with this palette. The Vida one, not so much (although I’ve yet to review it on YT).