Category Archives: Makeup
Swatch Sunday: Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Ring The Alarm
I picked up the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Ring The Alarm palette when I was in New York City back in October, but I’ve only just gotten around to posting the swatches (oops)!

Funnily enough, my overall impression of this palette was that it was a red-toned palette. I don’t know WHY that stuck out in my head, but in use (and now that I’m looking at it properly without blinders on) it’s a predominantly warm, orange palette with some pink and golds. Enjoy the swatches!
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Ring The Alarm Swatches

The Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Ring The Alarm palette can be purchased at for $15 USD or for $20 CAD.
What’s In My Makeup Bag At Work
I’m not traditionally one for a makeup bag – I don’t carry a purse and therefore if something comes with me, it has to fit in my pockets. At the office, I used to just leave makeup bits and pieces in my desk drawers…. but, about a month ago, my office moved into what is called an active work environment, which means we no longer have our own desks. It’s a fluid workspace – you pick and choose what desk you’re going to work from depending on the hour, the meeting, or the work you’re going to be doing for the day. I’m still adapting to it (and after 15 years of having my own desk, it’s very discombobulating!), but one thing I knew I needed to figure out was how to carry my laptop around with me (I’ve got a cute, chic backpack I use for the office now) AND what I was going to do with the makeup I normally kept in my desk drawer.
I don’t usually need much makeup throughout my workday – I usually bring the lip colour I’m going to be wearing in to work with me and bring it back home that night and that’s it. However, there have been instances over the years where something goes wrong and my mascara flakes off, my eyeliner or brows rubs off, or a patch of foundation disappears around my mouth when I’m having my lunch, and that has necessitated having some backup makeup at the office in case of emergency. So that’s what’s in my makeup bag – emergency makeup.
All of it is housed together in a monogrammed makeup bag from Sephora Collection with the letter “R” on it. While my full name is Rachelle, I prefer going by the nickname Chelle – however, I have never associated myself with having the initial “C”, so the “R” on the bag makes much more sense to me, even though it may seen a bit bizarre to people who know me only as Chelle!
The item I definitely have the most of in my makeup bag is lip products. Why I have so many lip products in here is actually a bit of a mystery since I’m more likely to grab my lip colour for the day at home and bring it in to the office with me. But these sit here in case I NEED something… which is funny because I don’t generally feel like I NEED lip colour.
Anyway, since I usually wear a bright eyeshadow look, I have a bunch of “safe” lip colours that fit most occasions. Bite‘s Glace and Fig, alongside Charlotte Tilbury‘s Bitch Perfect are the kind of shades that will suit nearly any eye look. Fig is my most used colour I’d say, as I’ve finished a full size bullet of it in the past and have a few minis and another full size sitting in my collection at home.
MAC‘s Russian Red is sitting in my bag because I’ve made it a point to wear this particular lipstick at least one day a week because I’m trying to finish it up. The Paul & Joe Limited 003 shade is a fun juicy red/pink that wears just like a balm, so I love popping that on for an easy look (usually if I’m wearing a neutral eye look). And lastly, I’ve got the Clarins Lip Oil in Tangerine in my bag. I absolutely LOVE those lip oils (I’ve gone through two other tubes before of various flavours) and having one on hand for the cold winter months always feels like a must.
Perhaps the most important thing in my work makeup bag are my liners. If anything is likely to go wrong with my makeup on any given day, it’s either my eyebrows disappearing off my face because I wore a toque in to work (seriously – I often lose the entire tail of my brows to my freaking hats), or my eyes will tear up due to the wind on my walk in to the office and my liner will start to dissolve – wreaking havoc on my eyeshadow look. So I keep two brow pencils in here – the Revlon Colorstay Brow Pencil in Blonde, and the It Cosmetics Brow Power Waterproof Perfector 5-in-1 Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil in Universal Taupe. These are adequate products, although not my favourite brow items ever, but they are primarily kept in here because they’re so bloody LONG that they don’t actually fit in my acrylic drawer at home! They work well in a pinch, so I keep them at the office for emergencies.
As for liners, I have the Jesse’s Girl black liquid liner (it’s a brush tip, and lovely to use), as well as the Annabelle Skinny Gel Eye Pencil in case I need something that isn’t in a liquid format.
I was hesitant to even photograph these two because I have no idea how old they actually are… I’m fairly confident Covergirl no longer makes their Simply Ageless Eye Concealer, and I’ve likely owned it for… 7 years? Maybe 8? It doesn’t smell funky though, so I continue to use it. I’m not much of a concealer person, and heck I don’t even actually use this under my eyes – this is solely here in case my foundation decides to patch off anywhere on my face. Usual culprits are my nose or my chin, and I just dot the concealer over those areas and blend it out with my finger.
The mascara has also lived a very long life. It’s a mini size of the Smashbox Full Exposure mascara that I think I got with my PR sample of the Double Exposure palette back in the day. Oddly, this is my least used product in my makeup bag, but it does come out to play every now and then if I’ve missed a gap in my mascara, or, heaven forbid, I’ve completely forgotten to put on mascara that day. (It happens! I have no idea how, but it does!)
And lastly, these are what I call “my tools”. I’ve got a Sephora Collection set of blotting sheets (something I reach for frequently in the summer), a small Real Techniques mirror, a pair of tweezers (because you just never know when you’ll need a pair), a Sephora Collection lip brush (which also has a lid so that it stays mess free in my bag) and an ARTDECO Lip Primer which works really well to keep my lipstick in place.
So that’s what’s in my bag at the office. All laid out it looks like a freaking ton of product, but it actually all fits rather loosely in the makeup bag I have it in.
Do you keep makeup at the office like me? Or do have a makeup bag in your purse that you bring with you everywhere? Let me know!
Some of the products in this post are PR samples that have been mentioned in posts in the past. Post contains affiliate links.
Swatch Sunday: ColourPop Chasing Rainbows
Last month ColourPop was doing a free international shipping promo with no minimum purchase, so I quickly skedaddled on over to their site and ordered the new Chasing Rainbows palette!

Chasing Rainbows was part of their holiday collection and I’m a sucker for rainbows, so I quickly snapped it up for $20.

I’m working on a full video review with five looks for this palette, but in the mean time please enjoy the swatches.
ColourPop Chasing Rainbows Swatches

The ColourPop Chasing Rainbows palette can be purchased on for $20 USD.
Hard Candy Glitteratzi Press + Play (Review & Swatches)
When this Hard Candy Glitteratzi Press + Play Glitter Transforming Lip Color package showed up in my mailbox one day last month I was absolutely freaking floored. Number one… I had never heard of these, and they’re GLITTERY. Number two? Could these be the drugstore answer to the Ciate Glitter Flips that made the beauty world explode in 2017??

For those unfamiliar with the Ciate Glitter Flips, they’re essentially a liquid lipstick that when you press your lips together it reveals a wash of straight up glitter on your lips. It’s actually kind of a miraculous reveal, so I was eager to see that Hard Candy was billing their Glitteratzi Press + Play lipsticks as a very similar product. They say these are a matte lip colour that transforms into a sparkling finish once you press your lips together. They are… SORT of matte, when you first apply them, but you can still see a hint of sparkle through the base of the product (the hidden glitter!), so for me these are more on the metallic side of things rather than a flat out matte. It’s a *soft* metallic look, but it’s there.

There are seven shades in the range with some impressively bold colours in the mix. I guess Hard Candy figured that if you’re in the market for a glitter lipstick, you’re probably not one to shy away from unique and off the wall colours. And I really feel like they hit the mark on the colour selection to be honest – these are different, they’re fun, and it’s nice to see a drugstore brand do something that isn’t safe, conventional or expected.

In the swatches above you can see some of the sparkle shining through the product in a direct swatch. I swatched the shade Dazzle first, so you can see how that dries down after about a minute or so, whereas Slay was the last one I swatched and I took this photo within seconds of swatching. So they start off like any other liquid lipstick, and dry down fairly quickly.

On application each shade is incredible, and nearly completely opaque in colour (only the two last shades had the very faintest whisper of some translucency). However, once you put your lips together to reveal the glitter, you can end up with a slightly different story depending on the shade you’re using.
First of all, the glitter is gorgeous – and it’s really cool to “reveal” the glitter when you push your lips together, I love that aspect so much. BUT, while most shades are fine and have a small amount of lifting (just like the Ciate Glitter Flips, I might add – those shades do have some lifting when you press your lips together), there are two that are completely unwearable due to the lifting. I found Slay and Dazzle to be unwearable not because of the colour, but because of the way they tore chunks out of the lip colour when I pressed my lips together. Interestingly, while I can see there is a decent amount of missing patches on Charm (the red), I would say that one looks completely flawless in real life. I think the studio lights are highlighting some problems that the naked eye wouldn’t normally observe. Melanie of I’m Not A Beauty Guru had a similar experience with some of the lifting, but still found these products to be really lovely to wear too!
Final Thoughts
For an $8 CAD glitter liquid lipstick, these are pretty freaking cool! The Hard Candy Glitteratzi Press + Play lip colours aren’t flawless, but if you skip the shades that I had difficulty with then I think you’ll find the remaining shades are beautiful and fun to wear. Out of all seven shades my favourites are definitely Charm, Glitz, and Allure.
I’m really happy to see a drug store brand putting out fun and exciting products. I know these are essentially a knockoff of the Glitter Flips and some people don’t like copycat products, but meh – as far as I’m concerned the drugstore needs an injection of fun sometimes and I’m glad to see Hard Candy delivering on that!
The Hard Candy Glitteratzi Press + Play Glitter Transforming Lip Color can be purchased on for $7.98 CAD or on for $6 USD.
The products featured in this post were sent to me for consideration. Post contains affiliate links.