Limited edition for summer, the Too FacedNatural Love palette is a humongous 30 pan eyeshadow palette that focuses on neutrals. The fun thing about this palette (well, fun for me, maybe less so for others) is that it incorporates a lot of previously existing shades in Too Faced‘s collection. Since I never really bought most of their neutral palettes outside of the Chocolate Bar range, I was REALLY happy to see a lot of them in one big palette all at once!
Too Faced Neutral Love
Out of all of the shades in here, and considering how enormous my Too Faced collection is at this point, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I only had three shade duplications: Heaven, Satin Sheets and Makeup & Chill. So if you haven’t purchased some of Too Faced‘s older neutral palettes, this is a very good jumping off point for you instead.
Too Faced Neutral Love
The Too FacedNatural Love palette is a limited edition item and can be purchased at for $59 USD. I’m not currently seeing it on the Sephora Canada site, so check in stores if you’re Canadian!
In all of my years using makeup, I don’t think I’ve EVER used a Revlon mascara. How can that be??
Revlon Mega Multiplier Mascara
I was recently sent this RevlonMega Multiplier Mascara by Influenster to try out, so now I’m finally getting a chance to try out this mainstay drugstore brand’s lash offerings!
The Revlon mascaras all come in a flattened out tube package which actually makes it really easy to twist the lid off because your fingers catch on the edges. I was sent the Mega Multiplier Mascara in the shade Blackened Brown… which… kind of disappointed me at first as I’m not especially into brown mascaras. However, I swear you would never think this mascara shade was anything other than black!
The Mega Multiplier Mascara features a conical wand (my favourite kind!) and promises to give you an oversized lash look. The product itself contains tiny fibers to help amp up your lashes. It’s also a tubing formula which will help decrease flaking.
Revlon Mega Multiplier Mascara – comparison
On my lashes, I found it did a really nice job of separating them, but I would’t say the volume was extreme. The fibers do actually lengthen my lashes, which was a nice surprise since I don’t usually find fibers do much other than bulk up my roots. That being said, the fibers are quite small, which makes it easy to manage/apply to your lashes so you won’t be getting an overly intense clumped up look.
The formula is neither super wet, nor super dry. It’s that happy medium that I think a lot of people will enjoy. I found the formula was nice overall, but with a name like Mega Multiplier I just automatically assumed I’d get more bang out of my lashes. I’m normally a one coat mascara kind of person (usually because I feel like mascaras get too clumpy if I add more than one layer), but I found the Mega Multiplier layered really, REALLY nicely. Possibly the best I’ve ever tried before! Even if I let one coat FULLY dry and then added another, my lashes still looked gorgeous and not spidery or clumpy.
Since this is a tubing mascara, I found it came off extremely easily with warm water. In fact, it actually struggled to come off with an oil based remover! So don’t fret with an oily remover – just stick to warm water and you’ll see how easily this mascara swipes away! That may concern you (as it did me), since you’d figure that would mean any kind of water would make the mascara melt. Not so! I experienced very minute flaking (like… maybe one flake a day) and no smudging whatsoever.
Let me know if you’ve tried out any Revlon mascaras before and what your favourites are!
The product featured in this post was sent to me by Influenster for review. Post may contain affiliate links.#RevlonXLashes
There are some products that are just so mindblowingly beautiful that I just HAVE to have them, no matter what the price tag (for example, Guerlain’s Flocon Enchantees)! I first saw these Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo on my beauty blogging buddy Shawna (see her post on these here) at an event many months back and was immediately enchanted. The insane reflection on her cheekbones was killer!
Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo
So what is it? It’s a liquid highlighter that comes in a dropper style tube. Cover FX makes a few shades (I reviewed the shade Moonlight earlier this year) but the shade Halo is by far their most unique shade in the range. They’re billing this as a “holographic, multi-dimensional” product, but we all know by now that unless you can see rainbows, it’s most certainly NOT holographic.
Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo
(Although the package certainly tries to lead you to think that it actually is holo!)
Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo – swatched
The product initially appears quite white, but it shifts to a lavender, blue, silver – it’s absolutely gorgeous and extremely ethereal looking (which is a quality I’m always looking for in makeup products as I love that kind of fairy aesthetic).
Wearing Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo (natural light)
On the cheekbones it’s truly something else. These shots were taken in natural lighting so that I could attempt to capture just how beautiful it is.
Wearing Cover FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Halo (natural light)
Shawna remarked in her post that said she couldn’t believe how many people came up to her and commented on her highlighter when she wore it. And she was bang on. I wore this to an event last night and EVERYONE I talked to asked me about what was on my cheekbones. Considering that I often wear “irregular” coloured highlighters (I’m a big fan of Anastasia’s Moonchild and Kat Von D’s Alchemist), I was surprised that people chose to comment on this highlighter instead of the greens, purples and blues I’ve worn in the past. But I guess that’s a testament to just how much this one stands out!
My favourite way to apply this is with my fingers. I’m not a huge fan of using fingers for my makeup in general, but it does work best for this highlighter in particular. I’d drop a blob on the back of my hand, dip a fingertip into it, and then pat a few drops onto my cheekbone. Then I’d take a clean finger and pat along my cheekbone to blend it out. I found two layers of this is what looked best for me. I did try it with a brush because I liked the shade Moonlight with a duofiber brush, but I found it just didn’t have the right amount of oomph when I did it that way (plus it blended out kinda funny with a brush).
In terms of whether or not this is worth your money… I’d say yes. This is a VERY expensive product in my opinion ($52 CAD/$42 USD), but I feel like it’s truly unique. There’s a TON of product in the bottle, so you needn’t worry about running out. If you’re balking at that price tag though… do what I did, and buy it during a Sephora sale. I picked mine up during the April sale, but there’s another one coming in November!
Morphe’s released their latest 35 pan palette collection: The Jaclyn Hill palette. I picked this up because although I have not been a fan of Morphe in the past (seriously, check out my scathing review of the 35B palette), I am quite the fan of Jaclyn Hill so I wanted to give this one a shot.
Morphe – The Jaclyn Hill Palette
It’s an extremely warm toned palette, with a fun random shots of colour in the bottom left corner of the palette.
Morphe – The Jaclyn Hill PaletteMorphe – The Jaclyn Hill Palette
I had high, high hopes for the Hard CandySheer Envy Prismatic Highlighter! It’s billed as an iridescent pearl powder that is intended to catch the light and give you good lighting no matter where you go.
Hard Candy Sheer Envy Prismatic Highlighter
The product itself retails for $6 USD at Walmart and contains 12 grams of product, which is not only a great price point, but also a ton of product. However… the goodness stops there. (And this pains me, because I do really enjoy Hard Candy.)
Hard Candy Sheer Envy Prismatic Highlighter – swatched
Swatched on the skin, you get a white, chunky, speckled-glitter mess. As someone who is IN LOVE with glitter, I was even astonished with just how much I did not like this. The powder has a bit of a purple/pink cast, but none of that is displayed on the skin. All you get is a white chalky mess with glitter thrown in.
Wearing Hard Candy Sheer Envy Prismatic Highlighteron my cheekbones
Like, can you even see it on my cheekbones? Because I applied it very heavily. Let’s zoom in.
Zoomed in shot of my cheekbone
Oh there we go. Now you can see it. You can see the stuck-in-my-pores type glitter mess it’s created too.
Final Thoughts
Hard, HARD pass on the Hard CandyPrismatic Highlighter. I was so eager to try out a drugstore highlighter that would potentially compare to the higher end highlighters that are on the market right now, but this doesn’t even do anything but create a mess on your face. After writing my review I went to the internet to find other reviews and I had to laugh/cry at all the one star ratings I was seeing. I am definitely not the only person who felt this product was a total dud! Yikes.
My recommendation? Pass on the Prismatic Highlighter and get Hard Candy‘s Tiki highlighter instead. It’s insanely beautiful and actually worth your money.
The product featured in this post was sent to me for consideration. Post may contain affiliate links.