As with all of their launches, Make Up For Ever has gone all out with their lipstick line re-launch. With a range of 45 shades in matte and cream finishes, you’re sure to find a colour that works for you! (And they’ve got a single shade that they claim works for everyone!)

The new lipsticks are called Artist Rouge (the line before was called Rouge Artist, so they’ve really just flipped the words around) and all come in similar packaging: a sleek black tube with a silver rim. That silver rim actually helps you get a grip on the tube which means an easy open/close mechanism.

Once you yank the top off, the brand’s logo is embossed on the side of the brushed-metal insert wrapped around the tube. It’s a simple and yet interesting design because it keeps the brand name completely obscured until you pull that top off!

The two shades I got to try out were a M401 (a matte red shade that is apparently limited edition) and C211 (rose wood – this is the shade they say works for everyone). Their method of identification is fairly easy to follow: M for matte and C for a cream finish (errr… okay maybe not. I’m looking at Sephora’s web site and it says it’s not a cream finish but a satin one. I completely disagree with that though. These are definitely creams).

The Artist Rouge bullets are unlike any other shape I’ve ever seen. They come to a very angular-pointed tip which can help with initial application of the lipstick. Of course, as you wear the bullet down, that shape will disappear, but since the slant is quite sharp, you will have that shape for a long time.

Swatched out, you can see that C211 is definitely a cream with a glorious soft sheen to it. M401 is definitely matte, but there is an edge to it that keeps the lipstick from being completely flat matte.

My Thoughts
Before I get on to the amazingness that is this range of Artist Rouge lipsticks, I need to make one very small point in regards to this formula that some people may find helpful. As I have mentioned before, I am *exceptionally* sensitive to scented lipsticks. With Make Up For Ever‘s previous range of lipsticks I was so completely turned off by the scent of them that I found them utterly impossible to wear. With the new Artist Rouge lipsticks, the scent of them is definitely diminished in comparison to the old formula, but there is still a hint of some kind of plastic scent. My cream finish definitely smells a bit more in comparison to the matte. That isn’t to say it’s overpowering – it’s not – but I know some people are as sensitive as I am to this, so I just wanted to mention it.
With that out of the way, let’s get on to the good stuff! The Artist Rouge lipsticks pack an incredible amount of pigment punch. The colours I tried are luxurious and easy to wear. Obviously, the cream has more slip to it than the matte shade does, but they are both easy to apply and wear well. The matte doesn’t feel dehydrating on the lips (always a bonus), but it also doesn’t feel like those silicone-y matte formulas (which I do love, but I’m just saying that this feels different).
While Make Up For Ever does have your standard reds, pinks and nudes in this range, they also have some exciting random shades such as a midnight blue, a pale lavender, an electric pale blue and an aqua shade. Oh and a BLACK!
Let me know if you’ve tried the Artist Rouge line out! I’d also be curious to hear if you’re sensitive to scents in your lipsticks as well. 🙂
The Make Up For Ever Artist Rouge Lipsticks can be purchased on for $27 CAD or on for $22 USD.
The products featured in this post were sent to me for consideration.