Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Halloween 2019: Game of Thrones

Happy morning after Halloween everyone! For 2019 we opted to do Game of Thrones because we figured that this would be the last year that it would really be relevant since the series finale has long been done and dusted.

For this year we ended up with myself as Daenerys Targaryen, my husband David as Jon Snow, and Julie as Sansa Stark!

Halloween 2019 – Game of Thrones

Chelle as Daenerys Targaryen
Chelle as Daenerys Targaryen
Chelle as Daenerys Targaryen
Chelle as Daenerys Targaryen
David as Jon Snow
David as Jon Snow
David as Jon Snow
David as Jon Snow
Julie as Sansa Stark
Julie as Sansa Stark
Julie as Sansa Stark
Julie as Sansa Stark
Disapproving Sansa
Disapproving Sansa
The Targaryens
The Targaryens

Halloween isn’t complete unless we head down Church Street in Toronto’s Village! Huge thank you to our friend Shawn who took all of our photos, and then followed us out on to the street for a few more! He’s done this for a few years now and is always in good spirits and happy to do it. These photos could (above and below!), would not have happened without him!