Highlighters are one of those products that when they first launched into mainstream makeup, I was intrigued and so, so excited for them. But then I felt like the market got saturated very, very quickly and we ran the gamut of “normal” highlighters within an extremely short amount of time. At this point, everyone has a gold, a pearl, a champagne or an amber tone coloured highlighter, and outside of varying levels of how bright they appear on your cheekbones, there isn’t a whole lot that new highlighters have to offer us on the market.
Unless they’re a unique colour, in which case I am allll over it! Which is exactly what INGLOT has done in their recent Intense Sparkler Highlighter launch.

I felt like I had a hole in my collection in terms of patina-coloured highlighters, so I ordered the shade 11 which seemed the most unique in their range of five shades. INGLOT‘s Intense Sparklers are intended for use pretty much everywhere as they’re listed as a “face eyes body” highlighter, so I was a bit surprised when my package showed up and the pot was smaller than I thought it was going to be. There’s only about 3.4 gram of product in these, which is far less than the usual 8-10 grams I normally expect out of a highlighter. That being said, I don’t know WHY I expect products to be so large. I don’t have a hope in hell of ever finishing up a highlighter, so I definitely don’t need MORE product in my collection.

The Intense Sparklers are definitely suited towards their name – they go on the cheeks extremely luminescent and you will find tiny flecks of shimmer throughout the formula. I love the shade I picked up (#11) as it’s definitely something I didn’t already own. I think they classify this colour as “beige” which I kind of see… but I like to think of it more as a burnt silver.

On the cheeks it was hard to capture the effect of the Intense Sparkler. When I looked at myself in a mirror, I sometimes felt like I had a strobe light coming off my cheek bones – that’s how strong it looked! However… when I tried to capture it on camera and in video (I’m wearing it in yesterday’s March Favourites video) I felt like it looks much more subtle. I have a tutorial up on my channel using this product in case you want to see it in action!
Application was easy and smooth and required very little blending. These, like all of the powder products I have tried by INGLOT are just so easy to use and the pigmentation is excellent.
Final Thoughts
While the size of the product surprised me, that’s really the only negative thing I have to say about the INGLOT Intense Sparkler. I loved the unique shade of #11, I loved the effect it gave my cheeks (both strong and subtle at the same time) and I loved how it wore throughout the day. I’m so glad that INGLOT is putting out unique shades and products that are filling holes in my collection that I didn’t even know I had – that makes me really, really happy in a time when I feel like a lot of makeup is slightly repetitive.
For those who are unaware, I’m also an INGLOT affiliate which means I make a little bit of commission off your purchase if you buy through my links or use my code. This code used to be only available for Inglot Canada, but now it’s available for the US as well!
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