Thirty Days of Lips

When I came back from vacation in March (and bought that hoard of makeup), I realized I’d picked up something crazy like 26 lip products. So I dropped them all in a bucket and determined that I’d work my way through the whole lot of them. That didn’t end up exactly happening since I ended … Continue reading Thirty Days of Lips

What’s On My Face – Volume 17

When I first created this blog, I was really, really worried that I wouldn’t be able to generate enough makeup looks to sustain any kind of regular “makeup looks” posting schedule. Little did I realize just how many eye looks I attempt and even months later I’ve still got a huge backlog of eye looks for upcoming … Continue reading What’s On My Face – Volume 17

Empties – February till April 2014

I hadn’t planned to do an Empties update for another month but this bag was getting way too full and I didn’t want the post length to be too ridiculous. So here we go! Makeup first because I know that’s the interesting stuff. Not one, but TWO eyeshadows done! Can I get a “HELL YES!”? The … Continue reading Empties – February till April 2014

What’s On My Face – Volume 15

Tons of vibrant looks this week with one neutral one thrown in the mix. I’m really pleased with how a lot of these turned out. Ummm yeahhhhh. Love it – Love this one so much! The lid colour (Inglot AMC Shine 24) is so freaking stunning – it seems to go with anything. Eyes Inglot AMC … Continue reading What’s On My Face – Volume 15

April 2014 Favourites

I don’t know what your April has been like where you are, but here in Toronto it has been wet, cold and blahhhhhh. I’m pretty sure we’re currently on a week long sun-strike, and in the next two weeks there’s rain predicted for 11 out of 14 days. It’s dreary and everything feels permanently soggy. Apparently … Continue reading April 2014 Favourites