We all knew this was coming after the funeral was held for the original Urban Decay Naked palette… say hello to UD’s latest incarnation: the Naked Reloaded palette!
Urban Decay Naked Reloaded
Urban Decay has ditched the original Naked palette in favour of updating it for our tastes today. They’ve added more mattes and removed the brush (hooray for both!). I’ll have a full review on my YouTube channel up on Tuesday, but in the meantime please enjoy the swatches!
The Urban DecayNaked Reloaded palette will be available on Urban Decay’s web site and in freestanding stores on February 18. Sephora launches will be later in March.
The product featured in this post was sent to me for consideration. Post contains affiliate links.
Lunar New Year was February 5, and BECCA celebrated by launching their Year of the Pig Shimmering Skin Perfector – a limited edition item embossed with the cutest little pig you ever did see.
BECCA Year of the Pig
The Pig is the 12th of all the zodiac animals, and it’s actually an emblem of my own birth year as well: 1983. So this is the third time a year of the pig has occurred in my life as I’m now 36!
BECCA Year of the Pig
BECCA‘s Year of the Pig highlighter comes int their standard compact, this one with a gold edge. The embossed pig on the powder matches the pig on the box: very chubby, and very, very cute!
BECCA Year of the Pig – swatched
While BECCA says that Year of the Pig is a soft, peachy pink, I’d personally call it more of a soft icy white. I don’t see any peach in the product, but there is a small nuance of pink. It’s not as strong as their Pearl highlighter, which can appear as a very stark white.
Wearing Year of the Pig
On the cheeks I was a bit surprised with the outcome. I’m used to BECCA’s highlighters being incredibly showy, and Year of the Pig is really quite soft. It has more of a “lit from within” look than a “lighthouse beacon in the middle of the night” look. This product is definitely for those who want a soft highlighter. If you’re used to BECCA‘s usual blingy highlighter and that’s what you want, then this isn’t for you.
Final Thoughts
While the initial application of BECCA‘s Year of the Pig surprised me (because I expected something much, much stronger), I have to say I really like the outcome. I don’t play with subtle makeup very often and I sometimes miss out on that just overall pretty glow you can get from something that’s a bit softer, more nuanced. If you’re someone who is after that softer look, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed by this limited edition launch.
The BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector Highlighter in Year of the Pig can be purchased at sephora.ca for $51 CAD. (Sorry, I no longer see it on Sephora USA!)
The product featured in this post was sent to me for consideration. Post contains affiliate links.