Any addition to Too Faced‘s Peaches & Cream range gets me super excited.
Wait, let me rephrase…
ANY addition to Too Faced‘s range gets me super excited, but I’m always intrigued to see even more being added to the Peaches & Cream lineup!

Too Faced recently added seven new lipstick shades to their Peach Kiss lineup (see my video on them here), and with that launch they threw in some lip care saviours: a peach lip balm and a scrub!

The Peach Lip Scrub is as you would expect: a sugar scrub with a peach scent. What I didn’t expect was how much oil is in this base. There’s plenty of granules of sugar in the scrub, but it’s also jam packed with oil which means you need a lot less product than you may initially think. I made the mistake of grabbing one big heckin’ scoop with my finger the first time I used this, and quickly realized while spreading it over my lips that I had grabbed wayyyyy too much. This is quite a blessing with lip scrubs though – I don’t like to feel like I’m using glob after glob and potentially wasting the product (and your money). So use a little, because it goes a LONG way.
I was left with soft lips that had quite an oily feeling afterwards. Not oily in a bad way either – in the way where you kind of wonder if you even need to apply lip balm because there’s already so much moisture on your lips! Interestingly, I found the smell was not similar to their Peaches & Cream range, but more in line with the Sweet Peach scent (although not as strong).

If you’re not satisfied with the moisture from the Peach Lip Scrub, then you can follow it up with the equally deliciously scented Peach Mega Moisture Lip Balm. This has more of your traditional artificial peach lip balm scent – you know the one, we all had a lip balm like this at one point or another! The texture is quite smooth and glides on the lip easily without being a goopy mess, but you have to break the top layer seal first. There’s like a thicker coating on the top of the product, and once you break through that you’re left with soft, supple balm that’s easy to apply.
In practice, this is more of a daytime lip balm for me as I prefer something much, much heavier at night. The texture of this is thick enough to be grippy on the lips for a little bit of longevity, but fundamentally it’s too thin to be a lip mask used overnight. I have used it multiple times overnight however – and I was left with soft lips in the morning, but I found that it sank in completely every time. While some people may like that, I like a much thicker balm for overnight and prefer when there’s still a little bit lingering on my lips when I wake up the next morning. For me, this is a “keep at my desk” lip balm for easy application throughout the day.
The Too Faced Peaches & Cream Peach Lip Balm and Scrub can be purchased individually at for $21 CAD or on for $17 USD.
The products featured in this post were sent to me for consideration. Post contains affiliate links.