Swatch Sunday: Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude

Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude

I’ve always been a fan of Kiss lashes, but did you know they’ve also branched out into makeup as well?

Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude

Today’s swatch post features their Hexa palette in the shade Pink Nude, although they do seem to have three other shades available as well.

Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude

Please enjoy the swatches, but if you’d like to see this palette in action, alongside more makeup by Kiss, you can check out this video I posted a few weeks ago:

Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude Swatches

Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 1
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 1
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 2
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 2
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 3
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 3
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 4
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 4
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 5
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 5
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude - Shade 6
Kiss Professional Hexa Pink Nude – Shade 6

Kiss Professional makeup can be purchased at London Drugs or at Rexall Pharmacies in Canada.

The product featured in this post was sent to me for consideration.

Shoppers Drug Mart Online – Luxury & Drugstore!

Perhaps one of the most exciting things a Canadian beauty lover has heard in the last few weeks is that Shopper Drug Mart is FINALLY offering not only their highend luxury items online, but now they’ve also incorporated the drugstore side of things in too! And if you hadn’t heard this – well consider yourself up to speed and you can rejoice with the rest of us!

Canada has always struggled for online retailers that would sell us drugstore beauty items. Beauty Boutique (the predecessor to Shoppers Drug Mart Online) offered us the ability to purchase luxury items online and get them shipped to our door, but we’ve long been lamenting that we’ve never had easy access to their drugstore products… until now!

I’ve been perusing the web site for the last week or so and I have to say that not *everything* I want to buy is on there (more specifically, I can’t find my Aveeno toner, the Soap & Glory Breakfast Scrub and the QUO nail polish remover), but there is a surprising amount of stock given that the web site has only been up for the last week or so. I’ve been checking routinely and I can see that they’re regularly adding product, so I can only hope/assume that at some point they’ll have everything up on there within a certain amount of time. As it stands their selection is fairly massive – I can pick up a bottle of expensive perfume and throw in a essence mascara as well. The ability to shop for drugstore and highend products feels immense to me as a Canadian shopper. I know Americans have had ULTA for quite a long time, but tp us this is brand new territory!

Shoppers Drug Mart Online offers free shipping once you’ve spent $50, and, of course, you have the ability to earn and spend your PC Optimum points on the site. Also, if you don’t like something you purchased? No problem – free returns in stores!

Here’s my top picks for what to buy online at Shoppers Drug Mart:

I, for one, am PUMPED about this! I feel like I’ve been tweeting at Shoppers Drug Mart for years to get their butts online, and I am so, so glad that we’re finally here! Happy shopping everyone!

And don’t forget Ebates! Make your beauty purchases online and get yourself some cashback too. (I’ve made $720 back over the last few years, just got give you an idea of how much you can potentially make back on your purchases.)

The products photographed in this post were sent to me for consideration. Post contains affiliate links.