First Aid Beauty is one of those brands that I kept meaning to try but just never got around to it. Imagine my delight when I was invited to an event at Sephora’s Toronto Eaton Centre location where the actual creator of the brand, Lilli Gordon, was going to be present! An introduction to First Aid Beauty by the creator herself? Heck yeah, I’m in!

The blogger event was for whoever was able to make it during the weekday at midday. I’m lucky that I work in Toronto’s downtown core, so I have easy access to the Eaton Centre at all times! About ten of us got to meet and greet with Lilli Gordon (and fawn over the cute dougnuts) in Sephora’s back room.

As per their web site: In 2009, Lilli Gordon launched First Aid Beauty (AKA FAB). Lilli, a beauty industry veteran, found herself surrounded by products that worked but felt like medicine, felt great but were not effective, or smelled wonderful but made her sensitive skin red and irritated. Lilli created First Aid Beauty to provide highly effective yet luxurious products that treat everyday beauty and skincare challenges.
First Aid Beauty products are free of harsh chemicals and known allergens, including parabens, phthalates, alcohol, fragrances and artificial dyes.
We were gifted their top three best sellers which was not only generous, but also really exciting. What better way to try out a brand than by using their number one sellers?

Let’s start with the one I haven’t used yet (I’ve got a backlog of moisturizers to get through). This dense Ultra Repair Cream has no scent and provides intense hydration for dry parched skin. As with all First Aid Beauty products, this is safe for sensitive skin. While I’ve not had the opportunity to try it out yet, I will absolutely be putting this tub to work in the winter months when my skin starts to dry out.

The Face Cleanser is what it says it is – a facial cleanser. It feels very, very gentle when I use it and it doesn’t dry out my skin. I’ve been using it religiously for about two weeks or so now and I’ve not noticed a difference in my face (that’s a good thing – I don’t have bad skin) which is always a plus. It is unscented, however I will say it has one of those weird “unscented” scents. It’s a bit on the sour side which is unappealing to me, but I think I’m just a bit sensitive to stuff like that. It’s not a foul “gone off” smell, just an unscented scent, if you know what I mean.

The Facial Radiance Pads are the ones I’ve been using the most. They’re intended to exfoliate, tone and brighten your skin. I use them primarily after I’ve removed my makeup with oil and need to still clean up my face. These pads work wonders to remove any remaining bits of makeup and leave my skin feeling fresh. There’s even a scrubby side on one side of the pad which helps really dig into my pores to remove every last inch of makeup (I was actually surprised just how much more makeup came off my face when I started using these – I thought the oil I was using had obliterated everything!). I also don’t feel the need to use a moisturizer after using these, which probably has something to do with the fact that they don’t contain any alcohol.
So that’s my first look at First Aid Beauty products! Have you tried any of their products? Is there anything in particular you really love that you’d like to recommend to me?
This post features press samples provided for consideration.