So you may have noticed that I don’t post anything related to nails on my blog. I’m just not hugely into nail polish so it’s not really a “thing” for me. I am, however, HUGELY into Halloween, so that’s why I’m introducing you to the limited edition fake nails by Kiss (aka Broadway Nails).

With a six different options, it’s hard not to not fall in love with at least one of the designs, especially if you’re a rabid fan of Halloween like I am!

These “RIP” nails were the first ones to draw my attention. I’m going as Harley Quinn for Halloween this year (huge Batman-themed six person group costume) and these are PERFECT for it! Hell yes to a red and black ombre with glitter on top! I cannot wait to wear these with my costume.

Ghostly – A black to silver ombre with silver glitter on top.

Cauldron – Adorable jack-o-lanterns with spiders and webs.

Fright Night – Trick or Treat! With glitter and spiders.

Haunting – Ahhhh candy corn! Easily the best Halloween candy!

Broomstick – And lastly, glittery spiders and their webs.

Having never tried fake nails before, I really didn’t know what to expect. All of the limited edition Halloween themed nails are marked as “medium” length but holy crap did they ever feel long to me. I saw on someone else’s blog that you can actually file down the tip to make a shape (and length!) you want, so I may be doing that the next time I put a pair of these on. The length on these is definitely not something I’m used to at all, so there’s a bit of an adjustment factor on that.

Staying power? Man, let me tell you about the staying power… these bad boys did NOT want to come off! I was fairly impressed that the glue that’s built into the nail (it’s under a peel off tab) is so impressively strong. You do NOT have to worry about losing a nail while wearing these at all.
Each packet comes with 24 nails for your digits, so you’ll find a wide variety of sizes to pick from for each finger. I love that they have so many Halloween themed options to get us into the mood and I’m really happy I found something that’s a perfect fit for my planned Halloween costume. Woohoo!
This post features press samples sent for consideration.