Let’s kick right into by far the most exciting item I picked up this month: the Kat Von DPastel Goth palette!
Kat Von D Pastel Goth
You may have seen my swatches yesterday, and as of typing this I hasn’t yet put this palette on my eyes, but OH MAN am I ever excited to! I wasn’t originally keen on this palette because I didn’t like the idea of pastels – just a bit too blah, you know? Like it’s basically an unpigmented bright shade and I just wasn’t into it. But as I saw more and more swatches coming out on the net, I realized this was really just a brights palette with a slightly muted tinge to it. I would call these pastels at all really, and that makes me very, very happy! (They’re also all matte which is even more amazing!)
Biore Deep Cleansing Pore Strips ($12.99 CAD)
And now… with the exciting item out of the way… I picked up a pack of the BioreDeep Cleansing Pore Strips because I’d run out. I prefer the nose strips because I feel like they do a better job than the forehead ones. But I also swear they used to say “extra strength” on them and these don’t seem to indicate that. Hmmm.
Neutrogena Hydrating Wipes ($8.99 CAD)
I was also getting dangerouly low on my NeutrogenaHydrating wipes, so I grabbed another package because they went on sale. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I have no idea why these are SO EXPENSIVE (especially when you compare it to their regular wipes), so I always wait for a significant sale to pick these up. They’re my favourite ones EVER, but I’m still not okay with paying $14 for them!
This month ended up being a lot more spendy than I was anticipating. It’s the start of the makeup holiday season (YAYYYY!!!!!) and there’s a lot of exciting products coming out now and in the near future!
Too Cool For School – Egg Mousse Soap ($15 CAD)
I’ve heard a little bit about the brand Too Cool For School and was intrigued by the fact that they use a lot of egg products in their skincare. I was low(ish) on facial cleansers at the time so I decided to pick up their Egg Mousse Soap one in a recent Sephora order because I “had to” get to the $50 free shipping mark. Of course, now I’m overburdened with facial cleansers and this one has moved to the back of the pile. Oops!
Bite Beauty Luminous Cream Lipsticks in Musk, Fig and Retsina ($28 CAD for all three)
My whole reason for placing a Sephora order was that Bite Beauty was doing a flash clearance sale on their old Luminous Creme lipsticks. I had just recently finished up Fig (an all time favourite shade of mine) and was planning to repurchase the shade anyway so I figured this would work out well. The trio came with Fig, Musk and Retsina. I actually already own Musk and Retsina, so I figured I’d put those lipsticks in giveaways!
Houses of Lashes Adhesive ($11 CAD)
The last item in my Sephora order was the House of Lashes lash adhesive! I was hunting for cheapie products to add in to my Sephora order to make the minimum spend for free shipping, and Megan (who knows I’m a huge House of Lashes fan) pointed out that Sephora was now selling their lash glue. I was OVER THE MOON. Not only is the price tag good ($11 CAD), but now I don’t have to order it from the US and risk a customs fee! This is currently a backup as I’m working my way through another tube of the very same adhesive.
I just swatched this palette for Swatch Sunday, so you may be aware that Tanya of I, Redhead sent me this tartePin Up Girl palette!
tarte Pin Up Girl palette
I hadn’t bought the palette when it came out in 2014, but Tanya knew I was a fan of tarte‘s blushes so she sent her backup my way! I am so, SO grateful to her for sending it to me – it was a really lovely gesture. And I love the formula of tarte‘s blushes so I’m always happy to add another bunch of them to my collection!
tarte Grav3yard Girl Swamp Queen palette ($59 CAD)
I’ve watched Grav3yardgirl for a few years now, and while I did find her personality a bit of an acquired taste (seriously, how can anyone be that peppy/vibrant/loud all the time??), she’s become one of my favourite YouTubers to just idly watch. I always find myself giggling with her in her videos and it’s nice to be able to tune in to someone who seems to be very comfortable in their own skin (with or without makeup!). However, I held off picking up her collaboration with tarte because I didn’t need another eyeshadow palette.
tarte Grav3yard Girl Swamp Queen palette
But as all good makeup lovers are apt to do… I caved. I was particularly drawn to the Dogman and Sassy Bun shades and it was always in the back of my head that I was going to be supporting a YouTuber that I already enjoyed watching. So I picked up the Swamp Queen palette and I’ve been enjoying it so far. It’s not a total knockout palette, but there are some really, really lovely shades in here! If you’d like to see this palette in action, I did do a video tutorial featuring it which you can see right here:
The Body Shop mini body butter in Frosted Plum (free – gift)
I got a few cast off products from Julie – I don’t know what it is, but I’ve become such a hoarder with skincare products. I feel like I want all of the body butters, creams, lotions, etc. and when someone’s like “oh you want this?” I’m like yes yes yes, and then I throw it in my closet… only to realize I already had it. So ridiculous. Anyway! This is The Body Shop body butter in Frosted Plum which was limited edition around from around the holiday season. Not sure if they’ll be bringing this one back this year!
Bite Beauty Kale and Squid lipsticks (free – gift)
Julie also ended up with duplicates of Bite Beauty‘s Kale and Squid lipsticks so I said I’d give them a shot. Although they look black in the tube, one is a very dark green (Kale) and the other is a dark navy (Squid). I’ve not worn them yet, but I’m excited to put together some looks with them and see how best they wear!
Milani Amore Metallic Lip Creme in Matte About You (free- gift)
A few weeks ago, Shawna surprised me and handed me this Milani Amore Metallic Lip Creme in Matte About You. She had tried all of the shades about and decided this would work better on me – and who am I to say no to that? I haven’t tried it yet, but be sure to check out her post on these Milani lip products because she’s got some great swatches!
Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in Sweets ($40 USD)
I’m becoming a diehard for the Anastasia Beverly HillsGlow Kits you guys… it started with Gleam. And now I’ve purchased Sweets… and I’ve recently ordered Moonchild now too. These freaking highlighters are just so lovely and exciting that it’s really, really hard to resist them!
Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit in Sweets ($40 USD)
I’ve been particularly loving Sassy Grape. I had no idea I needed an iridescent purple highlighter in my life, but I now I realize I do! Also, rather amazingly, I was sent TWO of these Glow Kits when I only ordered one. Since this was shipped to the US, and then brought back to Canada for me (thanks Shawna!), I wasn’t going to bother shipping it back to ABH since paying for return shipping is kind of stupid when it was their mistake in the first place. INSTEAD, you guys will profit off it because I’ll be doing a giveaway for it in the next month or so. Why so far away you ask? Because there’s ANOTHER giveaway I already have planned for my YouTube channel tomorrow to celebrate 1k subscribers!
Neutrogena Hydrating Wipes ($8.99 CAD)
I’ll never understand why these NeutrogenaHydrating wipes are so much more expensive than the regular Neutrogena ones… BUT they are my absolute favourite, so I always wait till they go on sale before I pick them up. (They’re usually priced around $13 CAD!)
Too Faced x Nikkie Tutorials – The Power of Makeup ($68 CAD)
We all know I’m a Too Faced junkie at this point – so I’ve just accepted that I’m going to end up buying every palette they release, regardless of whether or not I’m dying for the shades. So, I picked up the Too Faced and NikkieTutorials collaboration “The Power of Makeup” mid-month.
Too Faced x Nikkie Tutorials – The Power of Makeup ($68 CAD)
I’ll be brutally honest about this… I love watching NikkieTutorials, and I love Too Faced, but this collaboration has left me totally underwhelmed. There’s nothing about this eyeshadow palette that screams “Nikkie” to me. The purple mascara is a weird choice – even if she says it’s her favourite colour, I can’t think of a time when she’s ever used coloured mascara. The eyeshadow shades are a weird combinations for her (in my opinion) and they swatch really poorly (swatch post coming soon). I’m glad it came with a black Sketch Marker because I do quite enjoy that product (my review on other shades cane be found here) and I am happy to own the glitter “Gliterally” – although, if you remember the Too FacedGlamour Dusts… this is the exact same as Blue Fire. Sadly, I didn’t collect them all so I don’t have a full size of Blue Fire, which is why I’m happy to own this one.
Anyway, all this to say, I haven’t actually put this palette on my face yet, so maybe I’ll like it more in when I actually use it… but yeah… not my favourite release by Too Faced sadly.
And that’s it… anyone else getting super excited about the upcoming holiday palettes and collections? September/October is the BEST time of the year in the makeup world as far as I’m concerned! 😀
Although I’ve been a long-time user (and staunch advocate for) the NeutrogenaHydrating makeup removing wipes, I’ve not really delved much into the rest of their skincare. That changed this past month while I was trying out the NeutrogenaHydro Boost Gel Cream!
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream
The Hydro Boost Gel Cream is formulated for extra-dry skin, and is fragrance-free. (Although I do detect a subtle scent personally – it was quite nice!). It is a “lightweight gel-cream that instantly quenches and continuously hydrates skin. Formulated with hyaluronic acid, it boosts hydration and locks it in so skin stays hydrated, smooth and supple day after day. Applies effortlessly, absorbing quickly into skin without leaving behind an oily or greasy feel.”
And you know what? For once, all of the claims made by a company are totally freaking accurate and I actually experienced them myself! This isn’t a super thick formula, which means I *can* wear it after I’ve washed my face in the morning and my makeup won’t be slip-sliding everywhere afterwards. It sinks in within a few minutes and it doesn’t leave me with that tight skin feeling that a lot of gel formulas do. You know the one… where your skin feels like it might crack as the gel is settling in? I can’t be the only one that feels this…
Neutrogena Hydro Boost Gel Cream
One thing that needs to be pointed out so that you don’t make the same mistake I did… but this formula of gel cream is really, REALLY slippery. If you open the jar haphazardly when you’re in a rush, you’ll risk sloshing it absolutely everywhere (something I have totally done). It’s not like most gel creams I’ve tried that stay put in the tub – this one moves around almost like it has the consistency of wet, melting snow.
Final Thoughts
The texture and feel of the NeutrogenaHydro Boost Gel Cream moisturizer has me completely sold. I love how it sinks into my skin quickly and doesn’t leave me with a greasy mess on my face. The packaging lover in me loves the blue tub as well as the blue-tinted product inside. Suffice to say… I love it!
Monthly haul time! January’s haul is a bit of a mix of things – some items I received for Christmas from family members (but didn’t get a chance to photograph until January), as well as some birthday items (January baby here!). Enjoy!
Chemins de provence sels de bain – amande (free – gift)
I know little to nothing about this brand Chemins de Provence aside from the fact that my brother picked it up for me in France. These are bath salts and the scent is in Almond. I’ve used them once so far and loved the scent, although I definitely did not smell almonds. I’ve previously finished up lavender scented bath salts by the same brand, which you can see in my most recent Empties video.
Energie Fruit bain moussant en fraise l’exquise (free – gift)
Another present from my brother, and presumably from France as well since I’m totally unfamiliar with the brand. Fraise l’exquise de Energie Fruit is a shower gel that I’ve added to my collection but haven’t had the opportunity to use yet because I’m totally overwhelmed with all the shower gel I currently have in my linen closet, so this has essentially moved to the back of the lineup!
L’Occitane Pamplemousse + Rhubarbe shower gel (free – gift)
L’Occitane‘s Pamplemousse Rhubarbe (Grapefruit and Rhubarb) is a limited edition scent that my mom picked up for me in a shower gel (yep, into the closet it goes!) for Christmas. She knows I love anything grapefruit scented, and the rhubarb is a great addition to the scent!
Annnnd since she knows I love grapefruit so much, she also picked up a pack of Neutrogena grapefruit wipes for me. Made me laugh when I opened the package!
Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer (free – gift)
My mother in law gifted me this JergensWet Skin Moisturizer. I had heard about in-shower moisturizers (like the one by Nivea), but I had never tried them out. This one is slightly different in the sense that you apply it just after you’ve gotten out of the shower, but before you towel off. While it feels like a normal moisturizer, what’s cool to me is that unlike a normal moisturizer, this works with the moisture on your skin in order to hydrate your limbs. Usually if I apply a typical moisturizer to wet skin it slides right off – this one doesn’t! So after I’ve applied to my wet skin, I towel/pat myself try and I’m good to go. Really, really handy for quick moisturizing without having to worry about it needing to sink in for a lengthy period of time!
One of the cute things my mother in law put in my stocking (hi Ruth!) are these Burt’s Bees items; a lip balm and a cuticle cream. She had read in my stocking stuffer guide (prior to Christmas) that my grandmother would typically put a Burt’s Bees lipbalm in my stocking, so she decided to keep the tradition going since we were in Wisconsin this year and not in Ottawa! Very sweet touch. 🙂
Chap Stick lip balm in Pumpkin Pie and Candy Cane (think I paid $3 USD for both)
Sooo here in Canada, I’ve never seen Chap Stick in these cool scents. I’d seen plenty of American bloggers and YouTubers mention them, but they never seemed to be available in Canada. I need lip balm like I need more shower gel (which is to say not at all!), but I wanted these because I just can’t find them here! The Pumpkin Pie one is incredible (so, so nice to wear that one) and the Candy Cane one is as to be expected – very candy cane-like. Currently wishing I’d also picked up the Cake Batter one as well, but I think it would’ve been a little too sweet for my tastes.
LORAC Mega Pro 2 ($55 USD)
Alright, here’s a biggie! My mother in law gave me some cash for my birthday and encouraged me to hit up Ulta while we were visiting. I needed no convincing and I knew exactly what I was going to pick up – the LoracMega Pro 2.
LORAC Mega Pro 2 ($55 USD)
I had died a small death by not getting the original Mega Pro (RIP) and have been wanting to try Lorac eyeshadows out since then. What better way to do that than with an ENORMOUS palette? (I’m seriously dreading Swatch Sunday for this sucker… that’s a LOT of photos to edit.) I’m so happy to have this palette in my collection now. 🙂
Tree Hut Shea Sugar in Brazilian Nut ($7.49 USD each, was BOGO 50% off)
Another thing I picked up from Ulta is the Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub in the Brazilian Nut scent. I’ve actually already finished one of these before and I knew I wanted more of them. Out of all of their scrubs, this is definitely my favourite scent.
NYX Micro Brow in Taupe ($9.99 USD)
While we now have NYX stores in Toronto, I hadn’t been able to get out there yet, so I picked up the very last NYX Micro-Brow in Taupe at Ulta while I was there. Love, love, love this brow pencil – it’s so much easier to use when I’m in a rush than say a pomade or the like. (I still love those too, they’re just not a product I want to dip into when I need to do my makeup quickly.)
This was such an impulse purchase and I’m still a little dazed and confused by it. I was inside a Sephora at JC Penney (holy smokes they have a lot more amazing sets there!) and noticed they still had a few shades left from the US-exclusive Frozen Berries collection by Bite Beauty. I picked up the shade Juniper because it’s a stunning shade… but on further reflection I already have this shade in a few other lipsticks! It’s not dissimilar to Kir Royale (also by Bite) and Too FacedMelted Berry. Did I need another lipstick in the exact same shade? NO! But now I own it and I feel kind of silly about it.
MAC – Full Fuchsia (free – gift)
A few products from a generous friend here. She was at the MAC Warehouse sale a few months back (I think) and picked up this Full Fuchsia pan blush for me because it was super bright and she figured I’d like it. And I do! Soo pretty!
Maybelline – Luminous Lilacs (free – gift)
A new Maybelline quad in Luminous Lilacs. This looks like new packaging for the quads (to me anyway, I’m not overly familiar with their eyeshadows except for the ones that used to come in a chevron pattern) and I have yet to bust open this one!
The Body Shop Body Butter Trio (free – gift0
Next up is a trio of The Body Shop body butters in their tiny size. She gifted me this because it has a tiny Satsuma one in there (and she knew my husband wasn’t a fan – haha!). There’s also a Strawberry and Mango one in there as well.
The Body Shop Frosted Cranberry Shimmer Lotion (free – gift)
The next two items are freaking AWESOME! She also gifted me The Body Shop‘s Frosted Cranberry Shimmer Lotion! I had a small bottle of it last year but had used the whole thing up. This stuff is MAGIC. I love the scent, and it actually deposits very fine silver shimmer onto your skin. It’s not for everyone, but I love glitter all day, every day, so this is so, so nice to wear because it makes my skin gleam.
The Body Shop Frost Cranberry Shimmer Mist (free – gift)
In addition to the shimmer lotion, she also handed me the shimmer mist (also in Frosted Cranberry). This is more of a bodyspray with fine shimmer in it, but I find the shimmer particles are not as strong as the shimmer lotion. Love the packaging too – it’s like a snowglobe!
Laura Geller set (free – gift)
The next two items are from my lovely friend Kat (well… her real name is Sara, but I call her Kat). We do a gift exchange at Christmas and she freaking spoiled me this year! She knew I had been lusting over the Laura Geller baked sorbet blush in Guava (Laura Geller is impossible to find in Canada), and not only did she find it, but she also managed to score it in an amazing set that came with a face primer, lip gloss and mascara. Unfortunately, the sparkly clutch it came in started shedding glitter particles everywhere so it’s not especially usable. The blush though… incredible. I’m so, so in love with it.
Lorac Unzipped Gold (free – gift)
The other thing she spoiled me on is the LoracUnzipped Gold palette. Kat had asked me what brands we didn’t have access to in Canada and Lorac was my first response since I didn’t have any of their palettes at the time she asked (of course then I went and bought the Mega Pro 2 above when I was in Wisconsin…).
Lorac Unzipped Gold (free – gift)
The shades in this palette speak to me and I’ve heard Samantha Jane going on about it a lot so I knew it had to be mine!
Phew! That’s it for January! I’m sticking to a very minimal buying pattern for the next few months since I’m saving up for IMATS New York (Sugarpill EVERYTHING) in April. Luckily, I’ve also received a few Sephora gift cards so if I feel the need to splurge, I’ve got those in my back pocket! 😉
Haul time! Here’s the makeup I amassed throughout December – many of them thanks to family members! <3
Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons ($59 CAD)
I’ve become so obsessed with Too Faced that I actually got up at 4 am to order the Chocolate Bon Bons palette on launch day. No, I’m not kidding.
Too Faced Chocolate Bon Bons ($59 CAD)
And I’m glad I did it too because the palette promptly sold out by the end of the day! Unfortunately, it took a bit longer to get to me due to a hold up at the post office in the adjacent city being rammed with boxes, but hey, I’ve got it now! I’ve already done swatches which you can see here. A Challenge Week will be forthcoming, but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait till January for it!
Neutrogena Hydrating Wipes (~$9 CAD)
Are you guys even interested when I buy makeup wipes? Here’s yet another package of NeutrogenaHydrating wipes – once again purchased when they were on sale.
Nemo hanging around as I take my photos!
Awwww Nemo’s taking a peek while I shoot photos.
Frozen Lip Balm (gift)
This one was a joke gift in my stocking, but I had to include it anyway. Frozen lip balm! (And it’s not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be!) There’s tiny flecks of glitter in there as well!
Charlotte Tilbury – The Rebel (gift)
Helllloooo gorrrrgeous! This is the Charlotte Tilbury “The Rebel” quad. I’ve loved my Vintage Vamp quad so much that I wanted another one to add to my collection (pricey little buggers) and my husband was kind enough to gift me one!
Charlotte Tilbury Matte Revolution lipstick in Lost Cherry (gift)
Until now, I had held off trying out Charlotte Tilbury‘s Matte Revolution lipsticks because I just didn’t want to fall in love with a lipstick that costs almost $40! I put Lost Cherry on my wishlist and also got it as a gift. I loooove that colour!
Makeup Geek – Duochrome pigments + eyeshadows and a few random shadows
And lastly, I put in an enormous Makeup Geek order in November and it only just arrived this month. (The USD exchange rate was not only brutal, but I also got drilled with a customs charge as well. Ugh.) I picked up the entire Duochrome pigment and eyeshadow bundle ($150 USD) and four of the normal shadows that I hadn’t gotten around to picking up yet (Baby Face, Morocco, Pixie Dust and Shore Thing – $6 USD each).
Tell me – what’s the one item you bought/received in December that you loved the most?