I’m taking an extended vacation over the Family Day long weekend here in Ontario, so I’ll be heading back up to my parents house in Ottawa right after work on Wednesday (same date as this blog post if you’re reading it then). After having been ridiculously sick over Christmas vacation and not getting to hit any of the hills with my snowboard, I’ve been itching to get back up there. Toronto really doesn’t have any decent hills in the area (don’t even get me started on Blue Mountain… it’s not a mountain, it’s a sad, sad slope) so I really do need to get up to Ottawa and into Quebec to see some proper runs.
ANYWAY. All that to say I’m heading to Ottawa for about 5 days and thought I’d show you what makeup I’m bringing with me this time.
Urban Decay Naked & Tarte Off The Cuff palettes
First up are the palettes. Usually I pack my Naked palette and pop in a few loose blushes, but this time I decided to take advantage of the fact that the Tarte palette actually comes with four blushes and a bronzer. The Naked is a must have, but the Tarte palette is kind of a no-brainer.
Urban Decay Naked & Tarte Off The Cuff palettes
Also, sad to say, but I’ve barely used the Tarte palette since I bought it in late last year, so I really want to get some proper use out of it. Not to mention the amount of space it saves.
Physicians Formula Shimmer Strip, Yaby foundation, Collection Concealer
For face products, I’m bringing the Physicians Formula Shimmer Strip in Sunset Strip (also because it’s underused), the Yaby foundation in Buff because it’s a great match for my skin and it comes in an incredibly small tube. Last up is the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer in Shade 2 Light which I don’t really find to be a necessity on a daily basis, but I may want to use it so I threw it in there anyway.
Nivea Lip Butter, Laura Mercier Lip Glacé, MAC lipsticks
My Nivea lip butter in Vanilla & Macadamia tastes delicious (and reminds me of Ireland, since that’s where I bought it) and will be needed for hitting the slopes even though the packaging is kind of inconvenient. The mini Laura Mercier Lip Glace in Rose is in there in case I want to use a gloss (plus it also smells amazing). The two MAC lipsticks are Russian Red and Darkside, although I stupidly forgot to show you the actual colours. Whoops. I doubt I’ll even need this many lip products for a five day vacation, but the variety is nice for those “just in case” moments.
NARS Pro Prime, MAC Prep + Prime, MUFE Aqua Liner, MAC Lip Liner
And these are my necessities: NARS eyeshadow primer, MACPrep + Prime for lips, Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner in 13 Black and a MAC lip pencil in Brick for if I decide to wear Russian Red.
Illamasqua shadow, Too Faced mascara
Last up are Illamasqua‘s Imagineeyeshadow because I’ve never used it and I figured I needed to bring some kind of coloured shadow since the Naked palette is so very neutral. Too Faced‘s Better Than Sex mascara is also coming along for the ride since it’s in a tiny tube and easy to transport. Since I won’t be wearing any makeup while actually on the slopes, I don’t need a waterproof formula at all.
And all of it fits!
All of that fits into this relatively small makeup bag. For once I had a lot of small deluxe sample sized products which made it a lot easier to get everything crammed in there.
Travel Makeup Bag
The makeup bag itself was part of the Liberty of LondonMAC collection from 2010. I’ve used this bag religiously to travel with over the years and love how it’s held up. I also love the colours and the pattern itself. If you’re wondering where my brushes are, I’ll probably end up chucking them in a Ziploc bag and stuff them between soft things somewhere between my clothing.
That’s it for this travel makeup bag. I’m extremely excited to get back out there snowboarding since it’s been far too many years!
More makeup looks I’ve done over the past few weeks ranging from stuff I wore to work, out to a bar or was just headed over to a friend’s place! I was really happy with this set of looks and I hope you enjoy them.
As a note, I’ve switched to NARS‘ Pro Prime eyeshadow primer, so that’s what I use in all of my looks now unless otherwise stated.
I loooove this one! It took me a lot more time to put this one together because I don’t normally get this creative and use so many shadows. (Seriously, if you haven’t noticed, I tend to stick to about two lid colours!) I don’t typically wear this much shadow/liner under my eyes on a regular basis because holy hell is that area ever sensitive on me and I usually end up with very watery eyes. This frustrates me because I realize just how much a makeup look comes together when you shade under your eyes!
Anyway, moving on.
With this, I had one goal: I wanted to use the MUFE rainbow glitter that I had picked up last month. I also hadn’t done purple look in quite a while so I figured this was as good a time as any.
Eyes: I first applied NYX‘s Jumbo Eye Shadow Pencil in Milk all over the lid as a base.
The first colour from a ginormous Sephora eyeshadow palette I have that unfortunately does not have shade names, however, the colour is very similar to MAC‘s Crystal. Essentially, the colour is a very pale lilac shade with a bit of a sheen to it. This shade was placed on the inner half of the lid.
I then used MACDame’s Desire right beside the previous shadow, but not all the way out to the corner.
SleekSugarlite was blended heavily into the upper crease.
SleekHighness filled in the outer corner, with;
SleekNoir at the very edge of the outer lashline to darken up that area.
I then used MACVellum to highlight the inner corner of the eye and blended it into the pale purple.
MACBlanc Type to highlight the browbone with MACOmega on my brows. On the lower lashline, I used Sugarlite to line the outer half of the lid, then applied some Too FacedGlitter Glue to the inner half of the lid and tapped on Make Up For Ever‘s Glitters 13 (silver rainbow glitter) on top of the glue. I lined the upper lashline with MUFE‘s Aqua Liner in 13 Blackand used MAC‘s Feline Kohl Power pencil on the lower waterline. And finally, I finished up the eyes with some Ardell‘s 102 Demis and applied L’OrealVoluminous Carbon Black on my lashes.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum in 51 Light Vanilla
Bronzer: Revlon Photoready Bronzer in Bronzed & Chic
Blush: TarteExposed with IllamasquaHussy layered on top
Highlighter: MACSilver Dusk
Lips: I’m not wearing it in the picture, but I wore Rimmel Apocalips in Celestial out that night.
Extra: I used MAC‘s Select Coverup in NW20 under my eyes and set it with Laura Mercier
It was just one of those mornings when I had no idea what to wear and just happened to look into the tub that contains all of my mineralize eyeshadows. Although it’s beautiful, I rarely use this shadow. A word to the wise though, this can apply really patchy and can flake off at a moment’s notice. Beautiful end result, however.
With a dampened, flat, stiff makeup brush, I packed (and I do mean packed) on MACBlue Flame all over my entire lid. You may will likely need to layer this.
I then blended Makeup GeekCreme Brulee into the crease.
I also lined the outer third of my bottom lashline with the Blue Flame as well. Too Faced‘s Cream Colored Ponies on my browbone and L’OrealVoluminous Carbon Black on my lashes.
Rest of the Face
No foundation, bronzer or highlighter.
Blush: Illamasqua –Hussy
Lips: MAC – Shy Girl
Obligatory neutral eye look, using the Too Faced A Few of my Favorite Things palette.
Eyes: (Urban DecayPrimer Potion as a primer for this one!)
Too FacedSnowflakes all over the lid.
Too FacedBuche de Noel slightly into the outer corner.
Too FacedWoolen Mittens on the outer corner and blended into the crease.
I did the winged liner with MAC‘s Dipdown fluidline. Too FacedCream Colored Ponies to highlight the brow with L’OrealVoluminous Carbon Black on the lashes.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: MUA Matte foundation in Shade 1 Soft Sand
Bronzer: Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: Errr no idea. Maybe nothing?
Lips: MACBoldly Bare lipliner with MACViva Glam Cyndi on top
This look features Jealousy Wakes, the eyeshadow created by Christine (Temptalia) for MAC. Unfortunately it was limited edition (boy, was it EVER) and it sold out almost instantly back when it was released. It’s a beautiful shade and this is my default look when I want to wear that shadow.
Eyes: (Again with UDPP)
MACVex, inner two thirds.
MACJealousy Wakes, outer corner and into the crease.
Makeup GeekCreme Brulee throughout the crease.
MACBrule to highlight the brow and L’OrealVoluminous Carbon Black on my lashes.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: MUA Matte foundation in Shade 1 Soft Sand
Bronzer: Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: Physicians Formula – Natural
Highlighter: DiorAmber Diamond
Lips: MACPetting Pink Lip Conditioner
A shame the sparkles don’t show up more – I was going for a wintry snowfall at night look.
MACCrystal Avalanche on the inner two-thirds of the lid.
MACPrint on the outer third.
Although it is incredibly difficult to see in the photograph (which is very frustrating to me), I did layer Illamasqua‘s Beguilepigment on top of Crystal Avalanche. Rest assured that it showed up much better in person.
I used KIKO‘s Twinkle Eye Pencil in 06 (I really need to use this more, it’s fantastic) on the lower lashline. The upper winged lined was created with MACBlacktrack fluidline. I appliedToo FacedBetter Than Sex mascara to both sets of lashes and ran some MACOmega through my brows. (The brows really never change, I’ll probably stop repeating this…)
Rest of the Face
Foundation: MUA BB Cream in Light mixed with some moisturizer
Bronzer: Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: MACWarm Soul
Highlighter: MACSilver Dusk
Lips: Nothing – was heading out to eat so I didn’t see the point!
I’m pretty pleased in the makeup department lately… most of my looks have been suitable enough to post on here and I had about 15 or so looks to choose from for this post! Pretty happy with that because sometimes I can get a nasty streak where I don’t like anything I applied at all for several days. (That’ll make for an interesting post some day.
I know what you’re going to say. “You said last month you weren’t going to buy anything makeup-related until March!” I know I did, but I’ve got an excuse! My birthday was this past month and I was gifted almost everything I’m about to include in this post. Everything will have prices just so you’ll have an idea if you’re interested in some of them, but I’m only taking blame for some of these items! 😉
On with the loot!
Make Up For Ever – Glitters 13 ($20 CAD)
This item was actually a replacement (in my eyes) for my returned Illamasqua palette. I’ve been wanting to pick up a 3D, disco-like glitter for ages now. I had wanted MAC‘s 3D Silver Glitter, but never got around to picking it up. I saw this while at Sephora and decided why the heck not and picked up MUFE‘s Glitter in 13. I am eternally in love with this kind of silver glitter with a rainbow sparkle to it. This is the kind of glitter I always have painted on my toes and I definitely wanted something similar to use on my face. I’ve not had the opportunity to use it yet, but I’m excited to!
Joe Fresh Beauty – Rose Gloss in Peach ($6)
I picked up this Joe Fresh Beauty Rose Gloss in Peach while I was out one day and didn’t have a lip balm on me. THIS THING IS AWFUL. Run away. Run FAR away and never ever buy one of these. First of all, it smells horrible. Fake, plastic and completely unpleasant. It also clumps up on the lips and causes horrible strings when you open your mouth. This gloss has no redeeming factors whatsoever. I mean, just look at this horrible picture. It looks like something out of a horror movie. Ugh.
Joe Fresh – Rose Balm in Peach
I quickly depotted it and threw the contents out. I’ll use the pot for something else. Bleugh.
I spotted these Neutrogena wipes on sale so I snatched them up. Adding to my stack of four other unopened packs of wipes in my bathroom linen closet. /facepalm
Ally’s Orange Whip Body Butter
This stuff is amazing. A dear friend of mine made some body butter for me! (You can find her at www.alidoesit.ca, or you can find a direct link to her recipe here.) The label rubbed off, but I believe she said it was Orange Whip Lotion. She also indicated she “messed up” the recipe and it came out thicker than she intended. Well to hell with her mess up, because I really love just how thick this moisturizer is! It’s far closer to a body butter, which is just all the better in my opinion. To me, I don’t get so much of the scent of orange, but I do get the scent of a million wildflowers rolled into a single mason jar. It’s as if you got dumped into a field of flowers and sniffed them all up at once. The smell is incredible. Not to mention it feels wonderful on the skin. Because the ingredients are all natural, it won’t last as long as some storebought lotions simply because it doesn’t have all the chemical additives in it. That being said, it won’t matter because I’m about halfway done the jar already!
Physicians Formula Shimmer Strip in Sunset Strip ($9.96 CAD)
This is definitely one I bought with my own money. This Physicians Formula Shimmer Strip in Sunset Strip was marked down 60% off and the tag indicated it was on clearance and their stock wouldn’t be replenished. Having always wanted to pick up one of these but had always balked at the enormous price tag in Canada (seriously, these are over $20 at the drugstore here), I panicked and purchased this because I was worried I’d never get the opportunity to test it out since it was on clearance.
Living Proof – Full Thickening Cream ($32 CAD)
Having a rather nice gift card to Sephora, I picked up a few items I had been lusting over. The first was this Living ProofFull Thickening Cream for hair. I had used a small sample of it and loved the effects and the smell of it. I then went into the Sephora, picked it up, brought it to the counter and was floored at the price tag. $32 for this thing and it is SMALL. I should’ve photographed it against my hand to give you an idea of size… but seriously, it is really dinky. I do love it, and I’ll use it up, but I’ll have to see whether or not it’s worth repurchasing at that steep price.
NARS – Mediteranee ($39 CAD
Another one I picked up from Sephora and my very first NARS product is an eyeshadow duo in Mediteranee. I’m curious to see how NARS compares to other brands I’ve used especially when I consider the sticker price. I’m a sucker for oranges and the shade on the left is slightly gold tinted so I’m excited to use this one.
NARS – Pro Prime Smudgeproof Eyeshadow Base ($29 CAD)
Annnnd my next item from NARS (from Sephora). This one was absolutely necessary – allow me to explain. In the last two weeks, I don’t know what the heck has happened, but suddenly my Urban DecayPrimer Potion doesn’t seem to be working as well as it used to. I’ve had a few days in a row where my eyeshadow almost completely creased off by the end of the work day. I’m in kind of a slight panic about it because I’m used to being able to put on eyeshadow at 7 am with UD‘s primer and have it last until midnight if it was a particularly long day.
I’d heard that NARS‘ primer was the absolute best for oily eyelids so I figured this must be a step up from UDPP. I don’t have an especially oily face really – I don’t powder my face, I don’t even usually have to wear foundation or anything mattifying, but I figure I must have oily eyelids to cause all my eyeshadows to crease. I’ve only tried it a few times with inconclusive results (some days it didn’t crease, some days I had minor creasing). I really, REALLY hope this works for me because having to worry about creased eyeshadow after having had years of no problems with UDPP is making me really, really nervous.
Nemo checking out my new Real Techniques brushes
I was in Winners one day and stumbled over some Real Techniques with amazing price tags attached to their shiny packages. I’ve mentioned my lack of brushes previously and had intended to pick these sets up while in the US, but when I saw that these were cheaper than even what they sell in the US, I decided it wasn’t worth waiting to spend the money.
Real Techniques Travel Essentials ($16.99 CAD)
Everyone’s seen these, so I’ll be brief. This is Real Techniques‘ Travel Essentials set. It includes a foundation brush, an eyeshadow blending brush and a large powder brush.
Real Techniques Starter Set ($16.99 CAD)
RT‘s Starter Set includes two eyeshadow blending brushes (seriously, they’re too fat to do anything other than blend stuff on your face), a very small detail brush, a liner brush (there’s no way you can use this one for liner by the way, it’s way too big) and an angled brush that they’ve labeled as one for your eyebrows.
I love my other Real Techniques brushes so I’m excited to use these!
Bath & Body Works – Violet Lily SKY Diamond Shimmer Mist ($6 CAD)
The Summer, Sky and Air scents from Bath & Body Works are a new addition to their regular line although I’m not sure if they’re limited edition. As a result of them being so new, they’re all on sale for roughly half price. I’m not sure how long this promotion will last, but snatch them up quickly if you like the scent. I really love the one I grabbed which is the Violet Lily Skyscent. I’m not even going to try to describe it other than to say that I really like it. I picked up the diamond shimmer version because I’m a sucker for anything with sparkle or glitter. Unfortunately, I’ve been wearing it the past few days and the scent disappears really quickly which is frustrating (it seems to be gone after an hour or two). The small sparkles stick around for a while on your skin though, so that’s quite nice.
If you’re familiar with B&BW‘s previous shimmer mist, then you’ll wonder if the new bottle (this time labeled Diamond Shimmer Mist) is actually bigger. I know it sure looked bigger to me, but as it turns out both bottles have 236ml of product, so you’re still getting the same amount, despite the change in packaging. I will say that the previous Shimmer Mist I had, the Warm Vanilla Sugar one, lasts a lot longer on the skin and I think the shimmer particles are slightly larger than the new diamond mist ones. Either way, it’s a fun product to have!
Bath & Body Works bottle comparison
For a “no buy” month I sure did end up with a decent number of products!
New year, new looks! And I’ve got plenty of new goodies to play with that I’ve accumulated over the holiday season!
I love this one so much. Everyone has gone insane over rose-gold everything and I think I’m starting to see why. This was a makeup combination that just made me feel like I looked especially pretty. I’m also having a love affair with Makeup Geek’s Bitten and I’m more than happy to use it constantly on my eyes!
L’Oreal Amber Rush all over the lid.
Makeup Geek Bitten in the outer corner and crease.
Makeup GeekCreme Brulee at the top of the crease to blend the two lid shades together.
MACBrule was used to highlight my brow. I used Make Up For Ever Aqua Liner in 13 Black to create the wing and applied L’Oreal VoluminousCarbon Black mascara to my top lashes. For brows, I used MACOmega.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation in 51 Light Vanilla
Bronzer:Physicians Formula Bronzer Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: Cargo Mendocino
Highlighter: DiorAmber Diamond
Lips: MACDark Side
Good grief do I ever love this one too! I can’t claim ownership though, I relied on Shaanxo’s video for inspiration. Anything with neon (not to mention neon AND green) and I’m a total sucker for it.
Eyes: I first applied NYX‘s Jumbo Eyeshadow Pencil in Milk all over the lid and blended it out with my finger. I also brought it down below the inner tearduct as well.
Using the white from Sleek‘s Acid palette, I applied that all over the inner third of the eyelid, bringing it down around my inner tearduct.
With the same Sleek palette, I used the neon green shade and patted that on the center of my lid. (This took a lot of layers in order to get it to be so vibrant!)
Using MAC‘s Greensmoke, I placed it in the outer corner of my lid and tried to blend it as best as I could with the neon shade (wasn’t that easy and I don’t think I was overly successful).
I then used MAC‘s Cork through the crease.
Brule was used to highlight the brow and MACOmega was used on my brows. I used Make Up For Ever‘s Aqua Liner in 13 Black to do my winged liner and applied L’OrealVoluminous Carbon Black mascara to my upper and lower lashes. For the lower lash line, I used a bit of Greensmoke on the outer corner, then lined my inner waterline with NYX‘s Milk(which actually had decent longevity!).
Rest of the Face
Foundation:Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum in shade 51 Light Vanilla
Bronzer:Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush:Joe Fresh cream blush in Apricot
Highlighter:Hard CandyTiki
Lips:NYX‘s Butter Gloss in Vanilla Cream Pie
This look came about as I was trying to use products that I had bought, but hadn’t used yet. The primary inspiration came from MUA‘s Shade 9 which is one of the most beautiful duochromes I’ve ever owned. Unfortunately, I’m not keen on how the blue turned out, as it applied rather chalkily.
Eyes: I used Urban Decay‘s Eden primer this time as opposed to my usual Original one. In retrospect, that was a stupid idea considering I was using a very shimmery shadow and Eden is a very flat, very matte primer.
MUAShade 9 Pearl on the inner half of the lid.
Makeup GeekNeptune on the outer half of the lid.
Makeup GeekCreme Brulee in the crease.
MACBrule was used to highlight my brow with MACOmega through my brows. L’Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black on my upper lashes with MAC‘s Blacktrackfluidline to create the winged liner.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: MUA BB Cream in Light
Bronzer: Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: TarteExposed
Highlighter/Powder: HourglassAmbient Lightning Powder in Ethereal
Lips: Revlon Lip Butter in Creme Brulee
Heh, I’m not even sure what to say about this one. *I* think it’s rather bland, but looks like this tend to be when I get the most compliments. I wanted to use the Naked 3 palette and dip into a few products on to my “To Use Up” list. I don’t find the end result very inspirational, so when I use the Naked 3 again, I’ll definitely try out different combinations.
Eyes: Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden all over the lid. All shadows are from the Urban DecayNaked 3 palette:
Burnout on the inner two-thirds of the lid.
Factory on the outer third of the lid.
Limit through the crease
I used Strange as a brow highlight and applied Blackheart as a very thin line along my upper lash line with a faint flick at the outer edge. L’Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black mascara on my upper and lower lashes.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: Yaby Foundation in Buff
Bronzer: Physicians Formula Bronze Booster in Light/Medium
Blush: Tarte – Dollface and Dazzledmixed together
Highlighter: Hard CandyTiki
Lips: Revlon Lip Butter in Red Velvet with Creamsicle layered on top.
I had to laugh at this one… I didn’t intend for this to come out nearly as dark as it did, or nearly as ridiculously bright on the lips… for a weekend brunch. While I was also wearing workout clothes. Hah. Ah well.
Eyes:Maybelline‘s Color Tattoo in Bad to the Bronze was applied all over the lid, keeping it below the crease. On top of that I layered:
Inglot152 Shine over the entire eyelid.
Laura MercierBamboo on the outer corner of the lid.
Laura MercierEspresso was used to blend out the crease and pull the shadows out at the corner of my eye into a slight V shape.
MACBrule to highlight the brow with MAC Omega through the brows. Bamboo and Espressowere mixed together to line the lower lashline. L’Oreal VoluminousCarbon Black mascara were applied to upper and lower lashes.
Rest of the Face
Foundation: CoverGirl CC Cream in 110 Classic Ivory
Today I’m sharing the items in my collection that I really regret buying. These, in general, are the items I reach for the least in my collection. Looking over the items I’ve pulled out, most of them are cheaper products which is a bit of a relief. I think this is because I tend to research more expensive products before purchasing them. Anyway, let’s see which items I’ve had a buyer’s remorse over!
One of my most recent purchases was such an immediate regret that I ended up taking it right back! It’s Illamasqua‘s Paranormalpalette.
Illamasqua – Paranormal Palette
I’m reposting the exact same image from my haul just a few weeks ago because I used it twice, noticed the EXCESSIVE creasing, then hightailed my butt back to the Illamasqua counter and returned it. I had called them day before I returned it and had gotten some spiel about how my Urban Decay eyeshadow primer wasn’t good enough because these were cream to powder eyeshadows and I need to be using a creamy primer. I wasn’t buying it. Urban Decay‘s primer has NEVER lead me astray and I can’t remember the last time I had anything crease on my eyelids because of that primer! When I returned it, the woman was very lovely about it and didn’t give me any hassle. It takes a lot for me to return a product but this one was so expensive ($45 CAD) that there was no way I was going to keep it. I mean, just LOOK at the creasing:
At the end of the day, I do love the Illamasqua products I’ve tried, primarily their blushes and pigments, but I’m going to be avoiding these “cream to powder” products in the future.
Sigh. I bought this Physicians Formula product thinking since it was a bronzer and a blush in one, it’d be perfect for travelling. The truth is I’ve not travelled even once with this item in the year or so I’ve owned it. I love the shade of the bronzer, but I’ve not even touched the blush. And let’s be realistic… without a proper division between the two products, it’s pretty hard to get JUST the blush when you dip into the product.
Urban Decay – Mushroom, L’Oreal Infallible – Pepsy Coral, Maybelline Color Tattoo – Too Cool
These were just poor choices all around.
Buying an Urban Decay single eyeshadow (Mushroom) is just a bad idea when so many of their shades come in palettes at a much better value. Not to mention that I don’t need yet another taupey, silver-grey shade – I think there’s even an exact dupe in my Naked 2 palette. Plus, this just isn’t the kind of colour I reach for much anyway.
L’Oreal‘s Pepsy Coral was an impulse buy at a warehouse sale I was at in October last year. It’s now three months later and I’ve still not used this shade. Plus it looks identical to MAC’s Paradisco which I already own.
Maybelline‘s Color Tattoo in Too Cool is a shimmery white cream shadow. It goes on patchy and the shade is very similar (if not identical) to MAC‘s Crystal Avalanche. Boo.
I am so over these chubby lipstick crayons. SO OVER IT. First of all, the CoverGirl one (Watermelon Twist) broke apart the first time I used it (the bullet fell right out of the tube). It also tastes awful. How does a drugstore product still taste terrible like this? Most of the other brands have grown out of the artificial, chemical smell of makeup from decades long past. The colour is okay, but I can’t get over the smell/taste. Although I do have to say… hot pink is not the colour I think of when the word “watermelon” is in the shade name.
As for the Revlon ones… also over it. They don’t actually stain that much. The lighter, peachier one (Charm) ends up staining my lips slightly pink (?!?). The red one tends to bleed outside my lip line quite a bit and reapplication only makes it look worse. On the bright side, they do have a nice minty smell, quite akin to dental floss actually, but I do like it! However, I’ve been avoiding any other crayon type lipstick once I realized how disappointed I was in these.
Urban Decay – Naked 2
Oh man, I’ve seen people so divided over Urban Decay‘s Naked 2 palette.
Urban Decay – Naked 2Urban Decay – Naked 2
There are some colours in here that I love – specifically Tease, Verve and Blackout (but really, that’s just a black). But there are a lot of shades in here that just seem to blend together into nothingness when I try to put a look together. Maybe I’m using the wrong colour combinations or something, but my looks with this palette have been pretty dismal.
It’s hard to regret something when you only paid £1 for it, but these matte lipsticks from MUA do frustrate me. These have decent pigmentation when swatched and they *are* lovely colours, but they feel terrible on the lips. They ball up, go tacky and they seem to fade awkwardly, which is especially weird for a matte lipstick. Plus, check out the bottom right-hand picture above: You have to apply the lipsticks so hard on your lips to get the colour you need that it causes huge indentation marks in the side of the bullet. When that happens, the bullet starts to ooze a clear substance which is just icky. As soon as I finish this post, they’re going straight into the garbage bin.
MAC Mineralize Eyeshadows – Blue Flame & Blue My Mind
I didn’t notice till I sat down to write this post that both of my MAC mineralize eyeshadow regrets are both blue. Blue Flame is beautiful, but I rarely use it. Blue My Mind is… meh. The light side is a pale, powdery blue that can be kind of awkward to wear. The middle section is nice, but it needs to be applied damp to get a good colour payoff. Plus the middle strip is so small that you need a rather small brush in there. The last section is black and it’s okay… but it’s a bit underpigmented.
Maybelline Gel Liner in Blackest Black
I bought Maybelline‘s gel liner in Blackest Black after hearing many raves reviews from people saying that this was better than MAC‘s Blacktrack. Unfortunately, for me, this wasn’t the case. This just didn’t feel as fluid or creamy as MAC’s gel liner does and I sometimes end up with skipping problems along my lash line despite using the same brush for both gels. Because it’s just not as nice to use as MAC’s product, I’ve since gone back to MAC‘s fluidline and emptied out the jar so I could put something else in it.
Maybelline Irresistibly Ivy Eyeshadow Quad
While I like the colours and they’re quite well pigmented, I just don’t reach for this palette that much. I was sucked in by the pretty green shade and the fact that this was on clearance since they were discontinuing this particular quad.
MAC lipstick in Myth
I regret this for no reason other than that this shade (Myth) looks like death warmed over on me. I love nude lipsticks, but this is not a shade I can pull off despite trying to make it work several times.
Joe Fresh Lip Tint in Mango
I forgot to photograph this with the rest of the group, but this is one downright awful product. It doesn’t ever dry down on the lips. If you talk, the product will magically disappear from your lips. If you lick your lips, the product completely disappears. But you definitely DON’T want to lick it off because the product tastes absolutely awful. This is another one going straight into the garbage bin as I can’t make this work even if I wanted to!
That’s it for me! Any products you’ve picked up that you regret buying?