SABON is not a company I see spoken about often. Heck, I didn’t even know they existed myself until I stumbled upon them one fateful day in New York City many years ago…
That sounds dramatic, but I really just want to tell you a story about how I discovered this brand. I was visiting my university roommate in New York City a long time ago and I was left to my own devices one afternoon. I made my way over to Magnolia Bakery (of Sex and the City fame) for my first ever taste of their much loved cupcakes. I got myself a cupcake and started wandering around the area.
SABON Body Scrub in Lemon Mint
After devouring my cupcake, my hands were covered in icing and I was feeling sticky and kind of gross. I couldn’t touch anything without leaving a sticky smear on my clothing! Suddenly, some woman came out of nowhere as I was wandering down a street and asked me if I wanted to come into her shop and have my hands washed. I looked around slightly confused… I hadn’t been complaining about having dirty hands and I wasn’t wiping my hands off on myself in disgust, so why on earth would she ask me that question? Hell if I cared, I needed to clean my hands!
SABON Body Scrub in Lemon Mint
So this woman invited me in to SABON and did a whole ritual on my hands. She first scrubbed them with a hand polisher, then lathered them up with hand soap, rinsed them and followed it up with a butter hand cream. I was smitten. Not only had this lady helped me in my time of need (seriously, my hands felt so gross) but the products were not only nice smelling, but the packaging was gorgeous. My hands were left feeling clean and silky soft!
And like… just look at this hand washing station:
Photo from
Gorgeous! The whole place just has this old world apothecary type feel that I just love. So that’s the story of how I discovered SABON! Their luxurious bath products are all excellent (I’ve tried a lot of them) although a bit on the pricier side (I don’t care, I’ll gladly pay it!). Sadly, their locations are pretty scarce. There used to be one in Toronto (which I found out when I was in New York) but it’s long since shut down. 🙁
SABON Body Scrub in Lemon Mint
My absolute favourite product by SABON is this Body Scrub in Lemon Mint ($35 USD). The product itself is a wonderfully abrasive scrub that has fine particles in it that help to slough off dead skin. But the scent… the scent is what gets me every time. It smells refreshingly aquatic and clean. It’s so delightful that this is probably my fifth tub of this scrub.
I kind of love how I discovered this brand by accident in such a wonderful way. It was such a random incident and one I’ve thought about a lot over the years. If you ever spot a SABON, go in and get your hands washed. 🙂
September… you were a painful month for my wallet. Not only did ALL of the makeup brands decide to launch ALL of their freaking holiday palettes (like actually – they totally all did), but it was also a month I traveled to New York City (so obviously I had to take advantage of brands that did free shipping within the USA) AND Toronto IMATS happened. I’m actually physically removing my credit card from my wallet as of today because that poor thing has been rung up so many times I’m worried it’s going to burst into flames shortly. So despite my money flying out the window, this haul is actually a lot of fun because there’s a LOT of fun things in here.
As always, the haul is in chronological order, so there’s a lot more interesting things halfway down the page!
Johnson’s Baby Shampoo ($2.99 CAD)
The least interesting thing I bought this month is Johnson’sBaby Shampoo so that I can finally clean my brushes again. I ran out at some point last month and waited till it was on sale to pick up the large bottle.
Jealous Body Scrub – Grapeseed + Macadamia (free – swap)
The next whack of items are marked as swap, which some of them are, and some are just overflows from other beauty bloggers who want to pass on some of the love (de-stashing, as it were). I really like the Jealous Body scrubs, so I snagged this Grapeseed and Macadamia one. I’ve reviewed their latest scents right over here.
L’Occitane – Verveine body cream and shampoo (free – swap)
I grabbed these two L’Occitane products simply because of the name. Verveine (French) is actually Verbena in English, and I’ve somehow found myself sucked into The Vampire Diaries recently and they use verveine to ward off vampires. It made me giggle, plus I liked the scent… soooo… mine!
Mark – Crazy for cranberry scrub, Soap & Glory Peaches and Clean, Live Clean Creamy Cleanser (free – swap)
I’ll never ever turn down free body care, so I looted the markCrazy for Cranberry body scrub, the Soap & GloryPeaches and Clean Deep Cleansing Milk and the Live CleanHydrating Creamy Cleanser. Because I don’t have sensitive skin, I am afforded the luxury of trying whatever skincare products happen to cross my path. Lucky me when someone else doesn’t want them!
Rimmel Provocalips in Make a Move, Rimmel Stay Blush! in Pop of Pink, Maybelline Rebel Bloom in Coral Burst and a pressed pigment of Rustic Copper by NYX (free – swap)
Random assortment of makeup in here:
Rimmel Provocalips in Make a Move: THIS IS INCREDIBLE! It has unbelievable staying power and it’s not super drying like most liquid lipsticks. The colour is “fall appropriate” and I absolutely MUST have more in my collection. LOVE.
Rimmel Stay Blushed in Pop of Pink: These cream blushes intrigued me but aside from the texture and tube, there’s nothing particularly unique about the shade. Quite pretty on the cheeks though.
Maybelline Rebel Bloom lipstick in Coral Burst: OH MAN. I wanted this shade so badly from the Rebel Bloom collection but told myself I didn’t need it because I’m sure I have a near dupe in my collection somewhere. So I was mighty happy that someone had a duplicate of the shade and was more than happy to toss it my way! (And yes, it’s fairly similar to a lot of other lipsticks I own.)
Shawna pressed me a pigment (using my own tutorial!) from NYX. I think the shade is Rustic Copper… and it’s GORGEOUS.
Soap Stories (free – swap)
Soap Stories soap… because who doesn’t want free soap?
Sonia Kashuk – Jewel of an Eye and Lise Watier Expression palette (free – swap)
The Sonia KashukJewel of an Eye palette. I wanted it for SO LONG, but Target Canada never had it as far as I ever saw and I kind of figured it just wasn’t meant to be. Until a blogger destashed it and I was like OH YESSSSSS!
The Lise WatierExpression palette is full of pastel shades that I probably won’t get around to playing with for a while, but they looked super pretty so I thought I’d give them a shot. Plus I don’t tend to have muted versions of my bright shadows, so this’ll help with blending.
Bite Beauty Lip Lab Colour ($36 USD)
And now we come to the New York City portion of this haul. While visiting some friends out in New York, we went over to the Bite Beauty Lip Lab to get some custom lipsticks made. (You can read about that experience here if you like!) In the week I’ve been back I’ve already worn this shade three times. I’m amazed with just how much I love it!
Colour Pop Ultra Mattes in Mars, Tulle, Bumble, Donut, Trap ($6 USD each), Lippie Stix in Toucan ($5 USD), Super Shock Shadow in Coconut ($5 USD)
Of course, what’s a visit to the US without placing a Colour Pop order? I ordered several of the Ultra Matte liquid lipsticks because EVERYONE is raving about them. The colour range I ended up with is a little strange for me, but I did manage to cut it down from 10 shades….
I also grabbed one of the Lippie Stix (Toucan) because the smell of these is intoxicating and I didn’t own any. And, lastly, the Super Shock Shadow in Coconut because I’ve seen it on two bloggers in person now and it’s STUNNING.
Houses of Lashes Iconic ($12USD), and three sets of Bombshell ($18 USD)
I recently went through a false lash meltdown: I was going out one night and I was trying different lash brands on… and nothing was working. The bands were too inflexible, they looked too plastic, etc. etc. Seriously, I tried on four different brands and I got so annoyed I ended up throwing everything out that wasn’t House of Lashes (which have never failed me). So I had an order placed and shipped to my friend in New York where I picked it up. The Bombshell ones are my favourite so far so I got a three pack. I’m also eager to try out the Iconic lashes because a lot of people seem to like those.
Milani eyeshadow primer ($7.79 USD)
I also picked up a Milani eyeshadow primer at a Duane Reed while on vacation because I just don’t have access to it in Canada and lately it’s the only primer that’s been working for me.
Sabon Body Scrub in Lemon Mint ($33 USD)
Sabon is a bodycare brand that I first fell in love with in New York about a decade or so ago. I was happy to stop in and pick up some stuff but I kept it to a single item because the USD to CAD version is absolute BALLS right now. This is my absolute favourite product by Sabon: their Body Scrub in Lemon Mint. Between the scent and the feel of the product, I’m in absolute heaven!
Too Faced Star Dust palette by Vegas Nay ($45 USD)
And the last item I had shipped to a friend was the Too FacedStar Dust palette by Vegas Nay. I wasn’t originally sure I wanted this palette, but the price tag along with the extras (primer, glamour dust and mascara) were enough to win me over based on value.
Too Faced Star Dust palette by Vegas Nay ($45 USD)
And I am so very glad I picked it up. The Too Faced holiday palettes aren’t really doing it for me this year so I’m considering this my “Too Faced holiday palette”. It’s phenomenal. The pigmentation is incredible and the shades are wonderful. While it could be considered a neutral palette, there’s still a lot of fun ways to play with the colours. Oddly, the two warm brown shades (Millenial and Girl’s Night) are my absolute favourites – those colours work MAGIC in the crease!
Urban Decay – Urban Spectrum ($65 CAD)
And now we come to the holiday palette debacle. WHY MUST BRANDS RELEASE THEIR HOLIDAY PALETTES IN SEPTEMBER??!?!? This is Urban Decay‘s Urban Spectrum palette. It’s available on the brand’s web site or on Sephora’s site for VIB and VIB Rouge members.
Urban Decay – Urban Spectrum ($65 CAD)
Shade-wise, I prefer this a lot more than the Vice 4 palette (that’s coming below), but it’s definitely not a standalone palette. Every single shade in this palette has shimmer of some sort. They’re gorgeous, there’s no doubt about that, but you’re going to need some mattes if you don’t want to look all shiny all the time. I didn’t pick up the Anniversary palette a few years back, and this has the shades I wanted from that so I’m really glad to own this one now.
Urban Decay Vice 4 ($70 CAD)
I can admit it, it’s the packaging that sucked me into this one. Urban Decay‘s Vice series always has a wonderfully large mirror, a well layed out palette and gorgeous packaging. I love how all Vice 4s will have a slightly different colour pattern on the top too – feels very unique.
Urban Decay Vice 4 ($70 CAD)
But the shades themselves… are weird. Last year, the Vice 3 felt very cohesive. The shades were layed out nicely, there were colour gradients and complimentary colours… but this year I can’t figure out what the hell I’m looking at. There’s no brow bone shade (not for me anyway – that top left shade is more of a grey-pink pearl colour) so that’s awkward. I love the two oranges in the bottom left hand corner but that’s kind of it… There’s three oddly similar greens/aquas/seafoams in the middle row that kind of make me feel like they could’ve aimed for a bit more variety. I don’t know man… it’s a WEIRD palette. And I really only got it for the outer packaging. What a doofus.
Argh, I forgot to take a picture of the Kat Von DMi Vida Loca Remix palette ($71 CAD). This is the palette I was most excited about for Holiday 2015. The shades in this palette are to die for and I cannot wait to swatch them all and create a bunch of makeup looks. It’s a bit on backlog though as I work through the other palettes first! The only thing I’m not keen on is the packaging. It pulls out like a record, which sounded cool and all… until you tried to use it and then it was just annoying. Ah well, you can’t beat those shades!
Viseart Editorial Brights ($80 CAD)
The remainder of this haul are items I got from IMATS! When I found out that Viseart was going to be available via Frends, it became my number one place to stop. When I got there, they didn’t even have the palettes available to swatch yet (or even out of their crates), but I knew exactly which one I wanted – the Editorial Brights. It’s a spendy item, but it’s still cheaper than buying it at Sephora! Looking at this one just makes me so, so happy.
Lit Cosmetics glitter in ABBA, Peacock, Heartbreaker, Soul Sister, Disco Diva, Goth and Mary Jane ($50 USD)
A bit of a random assortment of glitters from Lit Cosmetics. I originally bought three, but ended up going back later in the day for more. I’d like all their colours, frankly, but I’ll have to deal with building up my collection relatively slowly. In hind sight, I wish I’d gone for more of the neons, but hey, I gotta start building up this collection somewhere.
Zpalette – Large ($20 CAD)
Grabbed a Z-palette because I’m running out of space for my Makeup Geek shadows!
Metal spatula ($4 CAD)
And finally, a tiny metal spatula to help me get products out of containers when I’m getting down to the bottom.
/covers face with hands
That was… a lot. A LOT. I’m happy with what I bought and got, but damn son, I need to chill out cuz this kind of spending is not sustainable! How about you? Are you happy with all of the holiday releases? Or do you feel like they’re being released far too soon like I do? I feel like we kind of got dumped on this year and no one was prepared for it!
Nope, not a La Senza haul, instead this is a product empties post and that big ole La Senza bag just happens to house all of them.
Product Empties
Having never really saved my empty products until I created this blog, I was a bit surprised that I had enough empties for another blog post only three months after my last one. I’m only posting products I’d actually haul – so you’re not going to be seeing shampoos and toothpaste in here.
First up are the actual makeup products, because I know that’s what interests me most when I read these kinds of posts.
CoverGirl Clump Crusher (water resistant) and L’Oreal Voluminous Carbon Black (waterproof)
These are my two staple mascaras. The CoverGirlClump Crusher mascara is probably my favourite out of the two of them, but even though this is the water resistant formula (a true waterproof one doesn’t actually exist in this formula) is really isn’t water resistant at all. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating, if you get water near your lashes while wearing this, it will definitely run or smear. That being said, the formula really is fantastic and it’s worth wearing – although I stick to the summer months when my eyes are less likely to tear up.
During the winter, or when I need a truly waterproof mascara, I’ll use L’Oreal‘s Voluminous Carbon Black mascara. I always come back to this formula, but I definitely prefer it when it’s in the “wet-er” stages, which is within the first month of opening a new tube. I’m currently using another tube of the L’Oreal one right now.
The Revlon Lip Butter in Cherry Tart is a beautiful shade on the lips, it goes on smooth and looks rather glossy. The wear time is about average for a balm (~1.5 hours before you need to re-apply) so don’t expect this to be a particularly long lasting product. I’ve used up as much as I can get out of the tube without actually digging into the bottom of the bullet (can’t be bothered really). While it’s lovely on the lips, I’ve also grown rather tired of the maintenance required with non-long-lasting lip colours so while I like the colour, I just don’t have the patience to keep touching up my lip colour every hour or so.
Verdict: Unlikely re-buy
Ardell Lashes – 102 Demi
These Ardell102 Demis are my favourite false lashes to wear and I have certainly worn these to death. I don’t wear false lashes often (once or twice a month, if even) and I believe I got about 8-10 uses out of these. They’re starting to look rather gungy (not to mention they’re also quite old) so it was time to just throw these out and start in on a fresh pair.
Verdict: Definite re-buy – I’ve already got another set waiting in the wings!
Jack Black Lip Balm in Natural Mint
This Jack Black balm was included in my Products I Want To Use Up In 2014 post, and I’m happy to have finished it. You can see remnants in the tube, but I really can’t squeeze anymore of it out. This product was… adequate. I don’t feel it did much for my lips, neither helpful nor destructive, it was just kind of there. It was great for protecting against windburn throughout the winter since its main ingredient is petrolatum. The thing I liked most about this product is that it comes in a squeezy tube, which makes it easy to apply. I’m not a germaphobe at all, and double dipping in my potted lip products really doesn’t bother me from a hygienic point of view, but I reaIly wish more lip products came like this if only because it’s so much easier to apply on the go.
Verdict: Unlikely to purchase again
l-r: Clinique Superprimer Universal Face Primer, Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden, L’Occitane Delicious Hands Almond, Illamasqua Hydra Veil, Laura Mercier Face Polish, Nourish Organic Face Lotion, Laura Mercier Foundation Primer
I know sample size empties are hardly exciting, but sometimes they’re worth mentioning for that first impression.
Clinique Superprimer Universal Face Primer – Won’t buy full size
I used this just for the sake of using it. I didn’t notice it affecting how long my foundation lasted on my skin, but then again I’m not prone to foundation just sliding right off my face in the first place.
Urban Decay Primer Potion in Eden – not sure what to think…
I’m not sure what to think about this. I started using this primer right around the time where even my OriginalUDPP started creasing on me (which shocked and frightened me, to be perfectly honest), so my only exposure to Eden is to say that it creased on me. But so did my usual primer at the time. So maybe it was a weird hormonal fluctuation in my skin, but this didn’t work out for me at the time that I used it.
L’Occitane Delicious Hands Almond – won’t buy full size
Smelled like almonds and worked well but it’s pricey and not a scent I’d usually pay a lot of money.
Illamasqua Hydra Veil – possible purchase
My first exposure to a gel moisturizer – this felt SO COOL. When I think of gels (of any kind), I think of alcohol, so I didn’t really understand how the heck this was going to moisturize my skin. This felt really neat on the skin and I *loved* the smell of it. However, at the $48 CAD price point, I’d have to be gifted this because I’m perfectly happy with my Aveeno facial moisturizer and that is way too steep of a price in my books.
Laura Mercier Face Polish – won’t buy full size
This felt cool to use, but it’s not something I really need or want. The granules in the polish are so small that they actually feel kind of soothing as you rub it into your wet skin.
Nourish Organic Face Lotion – will avoid for life
The smell became rather sickening after a while and after this dried down on my face it felt like I had a thin mask over my face that I had to crack just by moving my features around. Unpleasant all around.
Laura Mercier Foundation Primer – won’t buy full size
Just like the Clinique one, I don’t find this foundation primer actually did anything for my makeup. /shrugs
China Glaze – Kiwi Cool-Ada
I used the pants out of this China Glaze shade. Kiwi Cool-Ada was a matte neon polish (use a top coat to get some shine) that just glowed in the daylight. Since the polish went on rather streaky, you usually needed about three coats before it looked perfect.
Verdict: Possible re-buy, but I’d rather use up some of my other polishes first.
Marcelle Gentle Makeup Remover for Sensitive Eyes
MarcelleGentle Makeup Remover for Sensitive Eyes has been my go-to makeup remover for years and years. It’s an oil-based remover (shake before using) which, of course, ensures that it’ll take off any and all waterproof makeup. I find this works just as well as MAC‘s makeup remover (the one in the red/pink tube), if not better, and at almost half the price. Since the Marcelle normally runs around $15, I usually wait for a sale at Shoppers and/or buy it when it’s in the larger bonus size bottle (like the one above – 33% more product). I can’t recommend this enough, I’ve been using this remover for well over six years now and haven’t found anything better.
It’s hard to vocalize just how disgusting these Make-Up Cleansing Tissues from Absolute! are. I saw on the Ipsy forums that someone referred to these as smelling like beer… and they nailed it. In my original Ipsy review, I said that they smelled like some kind of alcoholic fruity drink, and I was kind of close, but also off the mark. These smell like beer that has gone rancid. They don’t smell like pomegranate, that’s for sure. And they don’t even work that well either – removing waterproof mascara was a nightmare and I’m fairly certain I pulled out more lashes than I actually cleaned. (Let it be known that it also said on the packaging that it would remove waterproof mascara.)
Verdict: You couldn’t PAY me to use these again – avoid like the plague
The Body Shop Body Butters – Satsuma & Coconut
The Body Shop Body Butters are legendary – I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard of someone disliking them. They’re thick, moisturizing and these two in particular, Satsuma andCoconut, smell especially fantastic. Satsuma was my favourite one out of these two and I’ve got a backup sitting on a bookshelf behind me.
Verdict: Love these and will definitely repurchase at some point.
Embryolisse – Lait-Creme Concentre
I picked up Embryolisse‘s Lait-Creme Concentre while vacationing in France in 2012 (picked up a few tubes actually, this was my last one) because I’d heard so many people rave about it. And it’s… okay. It’s not especially expensive (under 10 euros I think), which is rather nice, and cheaper, than my usual facial moisturizer. It feels kind of fancy to say you use French skincare that you bought in France… but the reality is that I didn’t notice anything different about my skin after using this cream. It smelled like generic “unfragranced” skincare and goes on smoothly.
Verdict: Will repurchase if I’m in Europe again.
Bath & Body Works – Midnight Pomegranate Body Lotion
This Bath & Body Works lotion in Midnight Pomegranate took me forever to use up. It’s one of the mini bottles, but the scent was so strong that it was actually incredibly overpowering when I used this a few times at the office (just ask my coworkers from several offices over). I was happy to finish this up (and I’m still struggling with the 3-wick candle I have in the same scent, although I have to say the candle is far less powerful than the lotion) but it’s not something I can say I really enjoyed. The lotion is on the thin side and really didn’t seem to do anything other than fragrance my skin.
Verdict: Won’t repurchase
Lindesa – Skin Conditioning Cream
I was given this Lindesa hand cream as a gift and I believe it came from a German Christmas market. The cream seems to contain a substantial amount of beeswax, so it could feel pretty heavy on the hands. The smell was really nice, although mild, and it was a great moisturizer for when my hands were on the drier side.
Verdict: Unlikely re-buy since I have no idea where to even get it!
Sabon – Body Gel Polisher in Lemon Mint
I never see any Sabon products mentioned in the beauty world but I love their products so much. I first discovered them in New York City about seven years ago by accident. They also have a location in Toronto, but it’s nowhere especially close to where I live. Anyway, this Body Gel Polisher is fantastic, it’s a full body exfoliant, but you don’t need a ton of product to get the desired effect. I quite like the Lemon Mint smell, although I’ve been told my others who got a whiff of it that they can’t stand the smell of it – to each their own!
Verdict: Will repurchase when convenient.
Not an especially exciting empties roundup, but I was happy to empty out my bag of garbage!