I never know if people are more interested in seeing a year long favourites post, a December favourites post. Or both. For now, I’ve got my December favourites and in a week or so, I’ll have gone through my entire collection and figured out what I loved all year (a slightly daunting task) and sorted out what made my year throughout 2014.
But for now… December!

I brought my Makeup Geek shadows with me when I went on Christmas holidays, so I was able to reacquaint myself with them all. I love these without question. They’re rapidly replacing MAC eyeshadows in my collection (and at a fraction of the price no less). Easy to blend and a variety of colours, what more could you ask for? In particular, I’ve been lovingBleached Blonde (top row, fourth from the left), Goddess (second row, second from the left) and Bitten (second row, fourth from the left). Bitten became my holiday theme colour because it was dark enough and unique enough to stand out.

Another major discovery over the last month has been Younique‘s 3D Fiber Lash mascara (full review here). These are easier to apply than false lashes (to me, anyway) and add incredible length and size to my lashes.

This was in my October favourites, so you know it’s a keeper. Too Faced‘s Melted Berry has been everything to me lately. Usually I opt for red lips throughout the holiday season, but I’ve found myself straying towards dark red with a hint of pink to it. Gorgeous, gorgeous colour and the staying power is incredible on these Melted products. (One day, I’ll catch them all…)

Incredible, incredible colour. Often gets me questions from complete strangers as to what lip product I’m wearing!

Elizabeth Mott Tints & Sass in Cherry. It’s one of those staining products for lips and cheeks (akin to Benefit‘s Benetint), but I find myself only using it on my cheeks. The colour is fantastic – just the right amount of “I’ve been out in the winter cold” but without the realistic look which is usually “I’ve actually got windburn from the frozen wind”.

Looking back almost everything was geared towards being festive/winter-y, which is not unusual I suppose. With the shorter days, I was less likely to try out new things on myself for fear they just didn’t work out. So I stuck to my old faithfuls and they served me well. 🙂